class VisionSensor(BaseSensor):
Vision sensor that handles a variety of modalities, including:
- RGB (normal)
- Depth (normal, linear)
- Normals
- Segmentation (semantic, instance)
- Optical flow
- 2D Bounding boxes (tight, loose)
- 3D Bounding boxes
- Camera state
relative_prim_path (str): Scene-local prim path of the Sensor to encapsulate or create.
name (str): Name for the object. Names need to be unique per scene.
modalities (str or list of str): Modality(s) supported by this sensor. Default is "rgb".
Otherwise, valid options should be part of cls.all_modalities.
For this vision sensor, this includes any of:
{rgb, depth, depth_linear, normal, seg_semantic, seg_instance, flow, bbox_2d_tight,
bbox_2d_loose, bbox_3d, camera}
enabled (bool): Whether this sensor should be enabled by default
noise (None or BaseSensorNoise): If specified, sensor noise model to apply to this sensor.
load_config (None or dict): If specified, should contain keyword-mapped values that are relevant for
loading this sensor's prim at runtime.
image_height (int): Height of generated images, in pixels
image_width (int): Width of generated images, in pixels
focal_length (float): Focal length to set
clipping_range (2-tuple): (min, max) viewing range of this vision sensor
viewport_name (None or str): If specified, will link this camera to the specified viewport, overriding its
current camera. Otherwise, creates a new viewport
"seg_semantic", # Semantic segmentation shows the category each pixel belongs to
"seg_instance", # Instance segmentation shows the name of the object each pixel belongs to
"seg_instance_id", # Instance ID segmentation shows the prim path of the visual mesh each pixel belongs to
# Documentation for the different types of segmentation for particle systems:
# - Cloth (e.g. `dishtowel`):
# - semantic: all shows up under one semantic label (e.g. `"4207839377": "dishtowel"`)
# - instance: entire cloth shows up under one label (e.g. `"87": "dishtowel_0"`)
# - instance id: entire cloth shows up under one label (e.g. `"31": "/World/dishtowel_0/base_link_cloth"`)
# - MicroPhysicalParticleSystem - FluidSystem (e.g. `water`):
# - semantic: all shows up under one semantic label (e.g. `"3330677804": "water"`)
# - instance: all shows up under one instance label (e.g. `"21": "water"`)
# - instance id: all shows up under one instance ID label (e.g. `"36": "water"`)
# - MicroPhysicalParticleSystem - GranularSystem (e.g. `sesame seed`):
# - semantic: all shows up under one semantic label (e.g. `"2975304485": "sesame_seed"`)
# - instance: all shows up under one instance label (e.g. `"21": "sesame_seed"`)
# - instance id: all shows up under one instance ID label (e.g. `"36": "sesame_seed"`)
# - MacroPhysicalParticleSystem (e.g. `diced__carrot`):
# - semantic: all shows up under one semantic label (e.g. `"2419487146": "diced__carrot"`)
# - instance: all shows up under one instance label (e.g. `"21": "diced__carrot"`)
# - instance id: all shows up under one instance ID label (e.g. `"36": "diced__carrot"`)
# - MacroVisualParticleSystem (e.g. `stain`):
# - semantic: all shows up under one semantic label (e.g. `"884110082": "stain"`)
# - instance: all shows up under one instance label (e.g. `"21": "stain"`)
# - instance id: all shows up under one instance ID label (e.g. `"36": "stain"`)
# Persistent dictionary of sensors, mapped from prim_path to sensor
SENSORS = dict()
INSTANCE_REGISTRY = {0: "background", 1: "unlabelled"}
INSTANCE_ID_REGISTRY = {0: "background"}
def __init__(
focal_length=17.0, # Default 17.0 since this is roughly the human eye focal length
clipping_range=(0.001, 10000000.0),
# Create load config from inputs
load_config = dict() if load_config is None else load_config
load_config["image_height"] = image_height
load_config["image_width"] = image_width
load_config["focal_length"] = focal_length
load_config["clipping_range"] = clipping_range
load_config["viewport_name"] = viewport_name
# Create variables that will be filled in later at runtime
self._viewport = None # Viewport from which to grab data
self._annotators = None
self._render_product = None
self._RAW_SENSOR_TYPES = dict(
# Semantic segmentation shows the category each pixel belongs to
# Instance segmentation shows the name of the object each pixel belongs to
# Instance ID segmentation shows the prim path of the visual mesh each pixel belongs to
assert {key for key in self._RAW_SENSOR_TYPES.keys() if key != "camera_params"} == set(
), "VisionSensor._RAW_SENSOR_TYPES must have the same keys as VisionSensor.all_modalities!"
modalities = set([modalities]) if isinstance(modalities, str) else set(modalities)
# 1) seg_instance and seg_instance_id require seg_semantic to be enabled (for rendering particle systems)
# 2) bounding box observations require seg_semantic to be enabled (for remapping bounding box semantic IDs)
semantic_dependent_modalities = {"seg_instance", "seg_instance_id", "bbox_2d_loose", "bbox_2d_tight", "bbox_3d"}
# if any of the semantic dependent modalities are enabled, then seg_semantic must be enabled
if semantic_dependent_modalities.intersection(modalities) and "seg_semantic" not in modalities:
# Run super method
def _load(self):
# Define a new camera prim at the current stage
# Note that we can't use og.sim.stage here because the vision sensors get loaded first
return lazy.pxr.UsdGeom.Camera.Define(
lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.stage.get_current_stage(), self.prim_path
def _post_load(self):
# run super first
# Add this sensor to the list of global sensors
self.SENSORS[self.prim_path] = self
resolution = (self._load_config["image_width"], self._load_config["image_height"])
self._render_product = lazy.omni.replicator.core.create.render_product(self.prim_path, resolution)
# Create a new viewport to link to this camera or link to a pre-existing one
viewport_name = self._load_config["viewport_name"]
if viewport_name is not None:
vp_names_to_handles = { vp for vp in lazy.omni.kit.viewport.window.get_viewport_window_instances()}
assert_valid_key(key=viewport_name, valid_keys=vp_names_to_handles, name="viewport name")
viewport = vp_names_to_handles[viewport_name]
viewport = lazy.omni.kit.viewport.utility.create_viewport_window()
# Take a render step to make sure the viewport is generated before docking it
# Grab the newly created viewport and dock it to the GUI
# The first viewport is always the "main" global camera, and any additional cameras are auxiliary views
# These auxiliary views will be stacked in a single column
# Thus, the first auxiliary viewport should be generated to the left of the main dockspace, and any
# subsequent viewports should be equally spaced according to the number of pre-existing auxiliary views
n_auxiliary_sensors = len(self.SENSORS) - 1
if n_auxiliary_sensors == 1:
# This is the first auxiliary viewport, dock to the left of the main dockspace
elif n_auxiliary_sensors > 1:
# This is any additional auxiliary viewports, dock equally-spaced in the auxiliary column
# We also need to re-dock any prior viewports!
for i in range(2, n_auxiliary_sensors + 1):
space=lazy.omni.ui.Workspace.get_window(f"Viewport {i - 1}"),
name=f"Viewport {i}",
ratio=(1 + n_auxiliary_sensors - i) / (2 + n_auxiliary_sensors - i),
self._viewport = viewport
# Link the camera and viewport together
# Requires 3 render updates to propagate changes
for i in range(3):
# Set the viewer size (requires taking one render step afterwards)
# Also update focal length and clipping range
self.focal_length = self._load_config["focal_length"]
self.clipping_range = self._load_config["clipping_range"]
# Requires 3 render updates to propagate changes
for i in range(3):
def _initialize(self):
# Run super first
self._annotators = {modality: None for modality in self._modalities}
# Initialize sensors
for _ in range(3):
def initialize_sensors(self, names):
"""Initializes a raw sensor in the simulation.
names (str or list of str): Name of the raw sensor(s) to initialize.
If they are not part of self._RAW_SENSOR_TYPES' keys, we will simply pass over them
names = {names} if isinstance(names, str) else set(names)
for name in names:
def _get_obs(self):
# Make sure we're initialized
assert self.initialized, "Cannot grab vision observations without first initializing this VisionSensor!"
# Run super first to grab any upstream obs
obs, info = super()._get_obs()
# Reorder modalities to ensure that seg_semantic is always ran before seg_instance or seg_instance_id
if "seg_semantic" in self._modalities:
reordered_modalities = ["seg_semantic"] + [
modality for modality in self._modalities if modality != "seg_semantic"
reordered_modalities = self._modalities
for modality in reordered_modalities:
raw_obs = self._annotators[modality].get_data(device=og.sim.device)
# Obs is either a dictionary of {"data":, ..., "info": ...} or a direct array
obs[modality] = raw_obs["data"] if isinstance(raw_obs, dict) else raw_obs
if og.sim.device == "cpu":
obs[modality] = self._preprocess_cpu_obs(obs[modality], modality)
elif "cuda" in og.sim.device:
obs[modality] = self._preprocess_gpu_obs(obs[modality], modality)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported device {og.sim.device}")
if "seg_" in modality or "bbox_" in modality:
self._remap_modality(modality, obs, info, raw_obs)
return obs, info
def _preprocess_cpu_obs(self, obs, modality):
# All segmentation modalities return uint32 numpy arrays on cpu, but PyTorch doesn't support it
if "seg_" in modality:
obs = obs.astype(NumpyTypes.INT32)
return th.from_numpy(obs) if not "bbox_" in modality else obs
def _preprocess_gpu_obs(self, obs, modality):
# All segmentation modalities return uint32 warp arrays on gpu, but PyTorch doesn't support it
if "seg_" in modality:
obs = obs.view(lazy.warp.int32)
return lazy.warp.to_torch(obs) if not "bbox_" in modality else obs
def _remap_modality(self, modality, obs, info, raw_obs):
id_to_labels = raw_obs["info"]["idToLabels"]
if modality == "seg_semantic":
obs[modality], info[modality] = self._remap_semantic_segmentation(obs[modality], id_to_labels)
elif modality in ["seg_instance", "seg_instance_id"]:
obs[modality], info[modality] = self._remap_instance_segmentation(
id=(modality == "seg_instance_id"),
elif "bbox" in modality:
obs[modality], info[modality] = self._remap_bounding_box_semantic_ids(obs[modality], id_to_labels)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported modality {modality}")
def _preprocess_semantic_labels(self, id_to_labels):
Preprocess the semantic labels to feed into the remapper.
id_to_labels (dict): Dictionary of semantic IDs to class labels
dict: Preprocessed dictionary of semantic IDs to class labels
replicator_mapping = {}
for key, val in id_to_labels.items():
key = int(key)
replicator_mapping[key] = val["class"].lower()
if "," in replicator_mapping[key]:
# If there are multiple class names, grab the one that is a registered system
# This happens with MacroVisual particles, e.g. {"11": {"class": "breakfast_table,stain"}}
categories = [cat for cat in replicator_mapping[key].split(",") if cat in get_all_system_names()]
assert (
len(categories) == 1
), "There should be exactly one category that belongs to scene.system_registry"
replicator_mapping[key] = categories[0]
assert (
replicator_mapping[key] in semantic_class_id_to_name().values()
), f"Class {val['class']} does not exist in the semantic class name to id mapping!"
return replicator_mapping
def _remap_semantic_segmentation(self, img, id_to_labels):
Remap the semantic segmentation image to the class IDs defined in semantic_class_name_to_id().
Also, correct the id_to_labels input with the labels from semantic_class_name_to_id() and return it.
img (th.Tensor): Semantic segmentation image to remap
id_to_labels (dict): Dictionary of semantic IDs to class labels
th.Tensor: Remapped semantic segmentation image
dict: Corrected id_to_labels dictionary
replicator_mapping = self._preprocess_semantic_labels(id_to_labels)
image_keys = th.unique(img)
if not set(image_keys.tolist()).issubset(set(replicator_mapping.keys())):
"Some semantic IDs in the image are not in the id_to_labels mapping. This is a known issue with the replicator and should only affect a few pixels. These pixels will be marked as unlabelled."
return VisionSensor.SEMANTIC_REMAPPER.remap(replicator_mapping, semantic_class_id_to_name(), img, image_keys)
def _remap_instance_segmentation(self, img, id_to_labels, semantic_img, semantic_labels, id=False):
Remap the instance segmentation image to our own instance IDs.
Also, correct the id_to_labels input with our new labels and return it.
img (th.tensor): Instance segmentation image to remap
id_to_labels (dict): Dictionary of instance IDs to class labels
semantic_img (th.tensor): Semantic segmentation image to use for instance registry
semantic_labels (dict): Dictionary of semantic IDs to class labels
id (bool): Whether to remap for instance ID segmentation
th.tensor: Remapped instance segmentation image
dict: Corrected id_to_labels dictionary
# Sometimes 0 and 1 show up in the image, but they are not in the id_to_labels mapping
id_to_labels.update({"0": "BACKGROUND"})
if not id:
id_to_labels.update({"1": "UNLABELLED"})
# Preprocess id_to_labels and update instance registry
replicator_mapping = {}
for key, value in id_to_labels.items():
key = int(key)
if value in ["BACKGROUND", "UNLABELLED"]:
value = value.lower()
elif "/" in value:
# Instance Segmentation
if not id:
# Case 1: This is the ground plane
if og.sim.floor_plane is not None and value == og.sim.floor_plane.prim_path:
value = "groundPlane"
# Case 2: Check if this is an object, e.g. '/World/scene_0/breakfast_table', '/World/scene_0/dishtowel'
obj = None
if self.scene is not None:
# If this is a camera within a scene, we check the object registry of the scene
obj = self.scene.object_registry("prim_path", value)
# If this is the viewer camera, we check each object registry
for scene in og.sim.scenes:
obj = scene.object_registry("prim_path", value)
if obj:
if obj is not None:
# This is an object, so we remap the instance segmentation label to the object name
value =
# Case 3: Check if this is a particle system
# This is a particle system
path_split = value.split("/")
prim_name = path_split[-1]
system_matched = False
# Case 3.1: Filter out macro particle systems
# e.g. '/World/scene_0/diced__apple/particles/diced__appleParticle0', '/World/scene_0/breakfast_table/base_link/stainParticle0'
if "Particle" in prim_name:
macro_system_name = prim_name.split("Particle")[0]
if macro_system_name in get_all_system_names():
system_matched = True
value = macro_system_name
# Case 3.2: Filter out micro particle systems
# e.g. '/World/scene_0/water/waterInstancer0/prototype0_1', '/World/scene_0/white_rice/white_riceInstancer0/prototype0'
# If anything in path_split has "Instancer" in it, we know it's a micro particle system
for path in path_split:
if "Instancer" in path:
# This is a micro particle system
system_matched = True
value = path.split("Instancer")[0]
# Case 4: If nothing matched, we label it as unlabelled
if not system_matched:
value = "unlabelled"
# Instance ID Segmentation
# The only thing we do here is for micro particle system, we clean its name
# e.g. a raw path looks like '/World/scene_0/water/waterInstancer0/prototype0.proto0_prototype0_id0'
# we clean it to '/World/scene_0/water/waterInstancer0/prototype0'
# Case 1: This is a micro particle system
# e.g. '/World/scene_0/water/waterInstancer0/prototype0.proto0_prototype0_id0', '/World/scene_0/white_rice/white_riceInstancer0/prototype0.proto0_prototype0_id0'
if "Instancer" in value and "." in value:
# This is a micro particle system
value = value[: value.rfind(".")]
# Case 2: For everything else, we keep the name as is
'54': '/World/scene_0/water/waterInstancer0/prototype0.proto0_prototype0_id0',
'60': '/World/scene_0/water/waterInstancer0/prototype0.proto0_prototype0_id0',
'30': '/World/scene_0/breakfast_table/base_link/stainParticle1',
'27': '/World/scene_0/diced__apple/particles/diced__appleParticle0',
'58': '/World/scene_0/white_rice/white_riceInstancer0/prototype0.proto0_prototype0_id0',
'64': '/World/scene_0/white_rice/white_riceInstancer0/prototype0.proto0_prototype0_id0',
'40': '/World/scene_0/diced__apple/particles/diced__appleParticle1',
'48': '/World/scene_0/breakfast_table/base_link/stainParticle0',
'1': '/World/ground_plane/geom',
'19': '/World/scene_0/dishtowel/base_link_cloth',
'6': '/World/scene_0/breakfast_table/base_link/visuals'
# TODO: This is a temporary fix unexpected labels e.g. INVALID introduced in new Isaac Sim versions
value = "unlabelled"
self._register_instance(value, id=id)
replicator_mapping[key] = value
# This is a temporary fix for the problem where some small number of pixels show up in the image, but not in the info (id_to_labels).
# We identify these values and mark them as unlabelled.
image_keys = th.unique(img)
for key in image_keys:
if str(key.item()) not in id_to_labels:
value = "unlabelled"
self._register_instance(value, id=id)
replicator_mapping[key.item()] = value
registry = VisionSensor.INSTANCE_ID_REGISTRY if id else VisionSensor.INSTANCE_REGISTRY
remapper = VisionSensor.INSTANCE_ID_REMAPPER if id else VisionSensor.INSTANCE_REMAPPER
if not set(image_keys.tolist()).issubset(set(replicator_mapping.keys())):
"Some instance IDs in the image are not in the id_to_labels mapping. This is a known issue with the replicator and should only affect a few pixels. These pixels will be marked as unlabelled."
return remapper.remap(replicator_mapping, registry, img, image_keys)
def _register_instance(self, instance_name, id=False):
registry = VisionSensor.INSTANCE_ID_REGISTRY if id else VisionSensor.INSTANCE_REGISTRY
if instance_name not in registry.values():
registry[len(registry)] = instance_name
def _remap_bounding_box_semantic_ids(self, bboxes, id_to_labels):
Remap the semantic IDs of the bounding boxes to our own semantic IDs.
bboxes (list of dict): List of bounding boxes to remap
id_to_labels (dict): Dictionary of semantic IDs to class labels
list of dict: Remapped list of bounding boxes
dict: Remapped id_to_labels dictionary
replicator_mapping = self._preprocess_semantic_labels(id_to_labels)
for bbox in bboxes:
bbox["semanticId"] = semantic_class_name_to_id()[replicator_mapping[bbox["semanticId"]]]
# Replicator returns each box as a numpy.void; we convert them to tuples here
bboxes = [box.tolist() for box in bboxes]
info = {semantic_class_name_to_id()[val]: val for val in replicator_mapping.values()}
return bboxes, info
def add_modality(self, modality):
# Check if we already have this modality (if so, no need to initialize it explicitly)
should_initialize = modality not in self._modalities
# Run super
# We also need to initialize this new modality
if should_initialize:
def remove_modality(self, modality):
# Check if we don't have this modality (if not, no need to remove it explicitly)
should_remove = modality in self._modalities
# Run super
if should_remove:
def _add_modality_to_backend(self, modality):
Helper function to add specified modality @modality to the omniverse Replicator backend so that its data is
generated during get_obs()
modality (str): Name of the modality to add to the Replicator backend
if self._annotators.get(modality, None) is None:
self._annotators[modality] = lazy.omni.replicator.core.AnnotatorRegistry.get_annotator(
def _remove_modality_from_backend(self, modality):
Helper function to remove specified modality @modality from the omniverse Replicator backend so that its data is
no longer generated during get_obs()
modality (str): Name of the modality to remove from the Replicator backend
if self._annotators.get(modality, None) is not None:
self._annotators[modality] = None
def remove(self):
# Remove from global sensors dictionary
# Remove the viewport if it's not the main viewport
if != "Viewport":
# Run super
def render_product(self):
HydraTexture: Render product associated with this viewport and camera
return self._render_product
def camera_parameters(self):
Returns a dictionary of keyword-mapped relevant intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters for this vision sensor.
The returned dictionary includes the following keys and their corresponding data types:
- "cameraAperture": th.tensor (float32) - Camera aperture dimensions.
- "cameraApertureOffset": th.tensor (float32) - Offset of the camera aperture.
- "cameraFisheyeLensP": th.tensor (float32) - Fisheye lens P parameter.
- "cameraFisheyeLensS": th.tensor (float32) - Fisheye lens S parameter.
- "cameraFisheyeMaxFOV": float - Maximum field of view for fisheye lens.
- "cameraFisheyeNominalHeight": int - Nominal height for fisheye lens.
- "cameraFisheyeNominalWidth": int - Nominal width for fisheye lens.
- "cameraFisheyeOpticalCentre": th.tensor (float32) - Optical center for fisheye lens.
- "cameraFisheyePolynomial": th.tensor (float32) - Polynomial parameters for fisheye lens distortion.
- "cameraFocalLength": float - Focal length of the camera.
- "cameraFocusDistance": float - Focus distance of the camera.
- "cameraFStop": float - F-stop value of the camera.
- "cameraModel": str - Camera model identifier.
- "cameraNearFar": th.tensor (float32) - Near and far plane distances.
- "cameraProjection": th.tensor (float32) - Camera projection matrix.
- "cameraViewTransform": th.tensor (float32) - Camera view transformation matrix.
- "metersPerSceneUnit": float - Scale factor from scene units to meters.
- "renderProductResolution": th.tensor (int32) - Resolution of the rendered product.
dict: Keyword-mapped relevant intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters for this vision sensor.
# Add the camera params modality if it doesn't already exist
if "camera_params" not in self._annotators:
# Requires 3 render updates for camera params annotator to decome active
for _ in range(3):
# Grab and return the parameters
return self._annotators["camera_params"].get_data()
def viewer_visibility(self):
bool: Whether the viewer is visible or not
return self._viewport.visible
def viewer_visibility(self, visible):
Sets whether the viewer should be visible or not in the Omni UI
visible (bool): Whether the viewer should be visible or not
self._viewport.visible = visible
# Requires 1 render update to propagate changes
def image_height(self):
int: Image height of this sensor, in pixels
return self._viewport.viewport_api.get_texture_resolution()[1]
def image_height(self, height):
Sets the image height @height for this sensor
height (int): Image height of this sensor, in pixels
width, _ = self._viewport.viewport_api.get_texture_resolution()
self._viewport.viewport_api.set_texture_resolution((width, height))
# Also update render product and update all annotators
for annotator in self._annotators.values():
self._render_product = lazy.omni.replicator.core.create.render_product(
self.prim_path, (width, height), force_new=True
for annotator in self._annotators.values():
# Requires 3 updates to propagate changes
for i in range(3):
def image_width(self):
int: Image width of this sensor, in pixels
return self._viewport.viewport_api.get_texture_resolution()[0]
def image_width(self, width):
Sets the image width @width for this sensor
width (int): Image width of this sensor, in pixels
_, height = self._viewport.viewport_api.get_texture_resolution()
self._viewport.viewport_api.set_texture_resolution((width, height))
# Also update render product and update all annotators
for annotator in self._annotators.values():
self._render_product = lazy.omni.replicator.core.create.render_product(
self.prim_path, (width, height), force_new=True
for annotator in self._annotators.values():
# Requires 3 updates to propagate changes
for i in range(3):
def clipping_range(self):
2-tuple: [min, max] value of the sensor's clipping range, in meters
return th.tensor(self.get_attribute("clippingRange"))
def clipping_range(self, limits):
Sets the clipping range @limits for this sensor
limits (2-tuple): [min, max] value of the sensor's clipping range, in meters
self.set_attribute(attr="clippingRange", val=lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec2f(*limits))
# In order for sensor changes to propagate, we must toggle its visibility
self.visible = False
# A single update step has to happen here before we toggle visibility for changes to propagate
self.visible = True
def horizontal_aperture(self):
float: horizontal aperture of this sensor, in mm
return self.get_attribute("horizontalAperture")
def horizontal_aperture(self, length):
Sets the focal length @length for this sensor
length (float): horizontal aperture of this sensor, in meters
self.set_attribute("horizontalAperture", length)
def focal_length(self):
float: focal length of this sensor, in mm
return self.get_attribute("focalLength")
def focal_length(self, length):
Sets the focal length @length for this sensor
length (float): focal length of this sensor, in mm
self.set_attribute("focalLength", length)
def active_camera_path(self):
str: prim path of the active camera attached to this vision sensor
return self._viewport.viewport_api.get_active_camera().pathString
def active_camera_path(self, path):
Sets the active camera prim path @path for this vision sensor. Note: Must be a valid Camera prim path
path (str): Prim path to the camera that will be attached to this vision sensor
# Requires 6 updates to propagate changes
for i in range(6):
def intrinsic_matrix(self):
n-array: (3, 3) camera intrinsic matrix. Transforming point p (x,y,z) in the camera frame via K * p will
produce p' (x', y', w) - the point in the image plane. To get pixel coordiantes, divide x' and y' by w
focal_length = self.camera_parameters["cameraFocalLength"]
width, height = self.camera_parameters["renderProductResolution"]
horizontal_aperture = self.camera_parameters["cameraAperture"][0]
horizontal_fov = 2 * math.atan(horizontal_aperture / (2 * focal_length))
vertical_fov = horizontal_fov * height / width
fx = (width / 2.0) / math.tan(horizontal_fov / 2.0)
fy = (height / 2.0) / math.tan(vertical_fov / 2.0)
cx = width / 2
cy = height / 2
intrinsic_matrix = th.tensor([[fx, 0.0, cx], [0.0, fy, cy], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], dtype=th.float)
return intrinsic_matrix
def _obs_space_mapping(self):
# Generate the complex space types for special modalities:
# {"bbox_2d_tight", "bbox_2d_loose", "bbox_3d"}
bbox_3d_space = gym.spaces.Sequence(
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=MAX_CLASS_COUNT, shape=(), dtype=NumpyTypes.UINT32), # semanticId
gym.spaces.Box(low=-float("inf"), high=float("inf"), shape=(), dtype=NumpyTypes.FLOAT32), # x_min
gym.spaces.Box(low=-float("inf"), high=float("inf"), shape=(), dtype=NumpyTypes.FLOAT32), # y_min
gym.spaces.Box(low=-float("inf"), high=float("inf"), shape=(), dtype=NumpyTypes.FLOAT32), # z_min
gym.spaces.Box(low=-float("inf"), high=float("inf"), shape=(), dtype=NumpyTypes.FLOAT32), # x_max
gym.spaces.Box(low=-float("inf"), high=float("inf"), shape=(), dtype=NumpyTypes.FLOAT32), # y_max
gym.spaces.Box(low=-float("inf"), high=float("inf"), shape=(), dtype=NumpyTypes.FLOAT32), # z_max
low=-float("inf"), high=float("inf"), shape=(4, 4), dtype=NumpyTypes.FLOAT32
), # transform
gym.spaces.Box(low=-1.0, high=1.0, shape=(), dtype=NumpyTypes.FLOAT32), # occlusion ratio
bbox_2d_space = gym.spaces.Sequence(
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=MAX_CLASS_COUNT, shape=(), dtype=NumpyTypes.UINT32), # semanticId
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=MAX_VIEWER_SIZE, shape=(), dtype=NumpyTypes.INT32), # x_min
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=MAX_VIEWER_SIZE, shape=(), dtype=NumpyTypes.INT32), # y_min
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=MAX_VIEWER_SIZE, shape=(), dtype=NumpyTypes.INT32), # x_max
gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=MAX_VIEWER_SIZE, shape=(), dtype=NumpyTypes.INT32), # y_max
gym.spaces.Box(low=-1.0, high=1.0, shape=(), dtype=NumpyTypes.FLOAT32), # occlusion ratio
obs_space_mapping = dict(
rgb=((self.image_height, self.image_width, 4), 0, 255, NumpyTypes.UINT8),
depth=((self.image_height, self.image_width), 0.0, float("inf"), NumpyTypes.FLOAT32),
depth_linear=((self.image_height, self.image_width), 0.0, float("inf"), NumpyTypes.FLOAT32),
normal=((self.image_height, self.image_width, 4), -1.0, 1.0, NumpyTypes.FLOAT32),
seg_semantic=((self.image_height, self.image_width), 0, MAX_CLASS_COUNT, NumpyTypes.UINT32),
seg_instance=((self.image_height, self.image_width), 0, MAX_INSTANCE_COUNT, NumpyTypes.UINT32),
seg_instance_id=((self.image_height, self.image_width), 0, MAX_INSTANCE_COUNT, NumpyTypes.UINT32),
flow=((self.image_height, self.image_width, 4), -float("inf"), float("inf"), NumpyTypes.FLOAT32),
return obs_space_mapping
def clear(cls):
Clear all the class-wide variables.
for sensor in cls.SENSORS.values():
# Destroy any sensor that is not attached to the main viewport window
if != "Viewport":
# Render to update
cls.SEMANTIC_REMAPPER = Remapper()
cls.INSTANCE_REMAPPER = Remapper()
cls.SENSORS = dict()
cls.KEY_ARRAY = None
cls.INSTANCE_REGISTRY = {0: "background", 1: "unlabelled"}
cls.INSTANCE_ID_REGISTRY = {0: "background"}
def all_modalities(cls):
return {modality for modality in cls.ALL_MODALITIES if modality != "camera_params"}
def no_noise_modalities(cls):
# bounding boxes and camera state should not have noise
return {"bbox_2d_tight", "bbox_2d_loose", "bbox_3d"}