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A set of helper utility functions for dealing with 3D geometry


An internal helper function used to programmatically generate lambda funtions to check for particle points within a convex hull mesh defined by face centroids @mesh_face_centroids and @mesh_face_normals.

Note that this is needed as an EXTERNAL helper function to @generate_points_in_volume_checker_function because we "bake" certain arguments as part of the lambda internal scope, and directly generating functions in a for loop results in these local variables being overwritten each time (meaning that all the generated lambda functions reference the SAME variables!!)


Name Type Description Default
convex_hull_mesh Prim

Raw USD convex hull mesh to generate the volume checker functions



Type Description
2 - tuple
  • function: Generated lambda function with signature:

    in_range = check_in_volume(mesh, particle_positions)

    where @in_range is a N-array boolean numpy array, (True where the particle is in the convex hull mesh volume), @mesh is the raw USD mesh, and @particle_positions is a (N, 3) array specifying the particle positions in the SAME coordinate frame as @mesh

  • function: Function for grabbing real-time LOCAL scale volume of the container. Signature:

    vol = calc_volume(mesh)

where @vol is the total volume being checked (expressed in the mesh's LOCAL scale), and @mesh is the raw USD mesh

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def _generate_convex_hull_volume_checker_functions(convex_hull_mesh):
    An internal helper function used to programmatically generate lambda funtions to check for particle
    points within a convex hull mesh defined by face centroids @mesh_face_centroids and @mesh_face_normals.

    Note that this is needed as an EXTERNAL helper function to @generate_points_in_volume_checker_function
    because we "bake" certain arguments as part of the lambda internal scope, and
    directly generating functions in a for loop results in these local variables being overwritten each time
    (meaning that all the generated lambda functions reference the SAME variables!!)

        convex_hull_mesh (Usd.Prim): Raw USD convex hull mesh to generate the volume checker functions

            - function: Generated lambda function with signature:

                    in_range = check_in_volume(mesh, particle_positions)

                where @in_range is a N-array boolean numpy array, (True where the particle is in the convex hull mesh
                    volume), @mesh is the raw USD mesh, and @particle_positions is a (N, 3) array specifying the particle
                    positions in the SAME coordinate frame as @mesh

            - function: Function for grabbing real-time LOCAL scale volume of the container. Signature:

                vol = calc_volume(mesh)

            where @vol is the total volume being checked (expressed in the mesh's LOCAL scale), and @mesh is the raw
                USD mesh
    # For efficiency, we pre-compute the mesh using trimesh and find its corresponding faces and normals
    trimesh_mesh = mesh_prim_mesh_to_trimesh_mesh(
        convex_hull_mesh, include_normals=False, include_texcoord=False
    assert (
    ), f"Trying to generate a volume checker function for a non-convex mesh {convex_hull_mesh.GetPath().pathString}"
    face_centroids = th.tensor(trimesh_mesh.vertices[trimesh_mesh.faces].mean(axis=1), dtype=th.float32)
    face_normals = th.tensor(trimesh_mesh.face_normals, dtype=th.float32)

    # This function assumes that:
    # 1. @particle_positions are in the local container_link frame
    # 2. the @check_points_in_[...] function will convert them into the local @mesh frame
    in_volume = lambda mesh, particle_positions: check_points_in_convex_hull_mesh(
            [*(mesh.GetAttribute("xformOp:orient").Get().imaginary), mesh.GetAttribute("xformOp:orient").Get().real]
    calc_volume = lambda mesh: trimesh_mesh.volume if trimesh_mesh.is_volume else trimesh_mesh.convex_hull.volume
    return in_volume, calc_volume

check_points_in_cone(size, pos, quat, scale, particle_positions)

Checks which points are within a cone with specified size @size.

NOTE: Assumes the cone and positions are expressed in the same coordinate frame such that the cone's height is aligned with the z-axis


Name Type Description Default
size 2 - array

(radius, height) dimensions of the cone, specified in its local frame

pos 3 - array

(x,y,z) local location of the cone

quat 4 - array

(x,y,z,w) local orientation of the cone

scale 3 - array

(x,y,z) local scale of the cone, specified in its local frame

particle_positions N, 3) array

positions to check for whether it is in the cone



Type Description
N,) array

boolean numpy array specifying whether each point lies in the cone.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def check_points_in_cone(size, pos, quat, scale, particle_positions):
    Checks which points are within a cone with specified size @size.

    NOTE: Assumes the cone and positions are
    expressed in the same coordinate frame such that the cone's height is aligned with the z-axis

        size (2-array): (radius, height) dimensions of the cone, specified in its local frame
        pos (3-array): (x,y,z) local location of the cone
        quat (4-array): (x,y,z,w) local orientation of the cone
        scale (3-array): (x,y,z) local scale of the cone, specified in its local frame
        particle_positions ((N, 3) array): positions to check for whether it is in the cone

        (N,) array: boolean numpy array specifying whether each point lies in the cone.
    particle_positions = get_particle_positions_in_frame(
    radius, height = size
    in_height = (-height / 2.0 < particle_positions[:, -1]) & (particle_positions[:, -1] < height / 2.0)
    in_radius = th.norm(particle_positions[:, :-1], dim=-1) < (
        radius * (1 - (particle_positions[:, -1] + height / 2.0) / height)
    return in_height & in_radius

check_points_in_convex_hull_mesh(mesh_face_centroids, mesh_face_normals, pos, quat, scale, particle_positions)

Checks which points are within a sphere with specified size @size.

NOTE: Assumes the mesh and positions are expressed in the same coordinate frame


Name Type Description Default
mesh_face_centroids (D, 3)

(x,y,z) location of the centroid of each mesh face, expressed in its local frame

mesh_face_normals (D, 3)

(x,y,z) normalized direction vector of each mesh face, expressed in its local frame

pos 3 - array

(x,y,z) local location of the mesh

quat 4 - array

(x,y,z,w) local orientation of the mesh

scale 3 - array

(x,y,z) local scale of the cube, specified in its local frame

particle_positions N, 3) array

positions to check for whether it is in the mesh



Type Description
N,) array

boolean numpy array specifying whether each point lies in the mesh

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def check_points_in_convex_hull_mesh(mesh_face_centroids, mesh_face_normals, pos, quat, scale, particle_positions):
    Checks which points are within a sphere with specified size @size.

    NOTE: Assumes the mesh and positions are expressed in the same coordinate frame

        mesh_face_centroids (D, 3): (x,y,z) location of the centroid of each mesh face, expressed in its local frame
        mesh_face_normals (D, 3): (x,y,z) normalized direction vector of each mesh face, expressed in its local frame
        pos (3-array): (x,y,z) local location of the mesh
        quat (4-array): (x,y,z,w) local orientation of the mesh
        scale (3-array): (x,y,z) local scale of the cube, specified in its local frame
        particle_positions ((N, 3) array): positions to check for whether it is in the mesh

        (N,) array: boolean numpy array specifying whether each point lies in the mesh
    particle_positions = get_particle_positions_in_frame(
    # For every mesh point / normal and particle position pair, we check whether it is "inside" (i.e.: the point lies
    # BEHIND the normal plane -- this is easily done by taking the dot product with the vector from the point to the
    # particle position with the normal, and validating that the value is < 0)
    D, _ = mesh_face_centroids.shape
    N, _ = particle_positions.shape
    mesh_points = th.tile(mesh_face_centroids.reshape(1, D, 3), (N, 1, 1))
    mesh_normals = th.tile(mesh_face_normals.reshape(1, D, 3), (N, 1, 1))
    particle_positions = th.tile(particle_positions.reshape(N, 1, 3), (1, D, 1))
    # All arrays are now (N, D, 3) shape -- efficient for batching
    in_range = ((particle_positions - mesh_points) * mesh_normals).sum(dim=-1) < 0  # shape (N, D)
    # All D normals must be satisfied for a single point to be considered inside the hull
    in_range = in_range.sum(dim=-1) == D
    return in_range

check_points_in_cube(size, pos, quat, scale, particle_positions)

Checks which points are within a cube with specified size @size.

NOTE: Assumes the cube and positions are expressed in the same coordinate frame such that the cube's dimensions are axis-aligned with (x,y,z)


Name Type Description Default
size float

length of each side of the cube, specified in its local frame

pos 3 - array

(x,y,z) local location of the cube

quat 4 - array

(x,y,z,w) local orientation of the cube

scale 3 - array

(x,y,z) local scale of the cube, specified in its local frame

particle_positions N, 3) array

positions to check for whether it is in the cube



Type Description
N,) array

boolean numpy array specifying whether each point lies in the cube.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def check_points_in_cube(size, pos, quat, scale, particle_positions):
    Checks which points are within a cube with specified size @size.

    NOTE: Assumes the cube and positions are expressed
    in the same coordinate frame such that the cube's dimensions are axis-aligned with (x,y,z)

        size float: length of each side of the cube, specified in its local frame
        pos (3-array): (x,y,z) local location of the cube
        quat (4-array): (x,y,z,w) local orientation of the cube
        scale (3-array): (x,y,z) local scale of the cube, specified in its local frame
        particle_positions ((N, 3) array): positions to check for whether it is in the cube

        (N,) array: boolean numpy array specifying whether each point lies in the cube.
    particle_positions = get_particle_positions_in_frame(
    return ((-size / 2.0 < particle_positions) & (particle_positions < size / 2.0)).sum(dim=-1) == 3

check_points_in_cylinder(size, pos, quat, scale, particle_positions)

Checks which points are within a cylinder with specified size @size.

NOTE: Assumes the cylinder and positions are expressed in the same coordinate frame such that the cylinder's height is aligned with the z-axis


Name Type Description Default
size 2 - array

(radius, height) dimensions of the cylinder, specified in its local frame

pos 3 - array

(x,y,z) local location of the cylinder

quat 4 - array

(x,y,z,w) local orientation of the cylinder

scale 3 - array

(x,y,z) local scale of the cube, specified in its local frame

particle_positions N, 3) array

positions to check for whether it is in the cylinder



Type Description
N,) array

boolean numpy array specifying whether each point lies in the cylinder.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def check_points_in_cylinder(size, pos, quat, scale, particle_positions):
    Checks which points are within a cylinder with specified size @size.

    NOTE: Assumes the cylinder and positions are
    expressed in the same coordinate frame such that the cylinder's height is aligned with the z-axis

        size (2-array): (radius, height) dimensions of the cylinder, specified in its local frame
        pos (3-array): (x,y,z) local location of the cylinder
        quat (4-array): (x,y,z,w) local orientation of the cylinder
        scale (3-array): (x,y,z) local scale of the cube, specified in its local frame
        particle_positions ((N, 3) array): positions to check for whether it is in the cylinder

        (N,) array: boolean numpy array specifying whether each point lies in the cylinder.
    particle_positions = get_particle_positions_in_frame(
    radius, height = size
    in_height = (-height / 2.0 < particle_positions[:, -1]) & (particle_positions[:, -1] < height / 2.0)
    in_radius = th.norm(particle_positions[:, :-1], dim=-1) < radius
    return in_height & in_radius

check_points_in_sphere(size, pos, quat, scale, particle_positions)

Checks which points are within a sphere with specified size @size.

NOTE: Assumes the sphere and positions are expressed in the same coordinate frame


Name Type Description Default
size float

radius dimensions of the sphere

pos 3 - array

(x,y,z) local location of the sphere

quat 4 - array

(x,y,z,w) local orientation of the sphere

scale 3 - array

(x,y,z) local scale of the sphere, specified in its local frame

particle_positions N, 3) array

positions to check for whether it is in the sphere



Type Description
N,) array

boolean numpy array specifying whether each point lies in the sphere

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def check_points_in_sphere(size, pos, quat, scale, particle_positions):
    Checks which points are within a sphere with specified size @size.

    NOTE: Assumes the sphere and positions are expressed in the same coordinate frame

        size (float): radius dimensions of the sphere
        pos (3-array): (x,y,z) local location of the sphere
        quat (4-array): (x,y,z,w) local orientation of the sphere
        scale (3-array): (x,y,z) local scale of the sphere, specified in its local frame
        particle_positions ((N, 3) array): positions to check for whether it is in the sphere

        (N,) array: boolean numpy array specifying whether each point lies in the sphere
    particle_positions = get_particle_positions_in_frame(
    return th.norm(particle_positions, dim=-1) < size

generate_points_in_volume_checker_function(obj, volume_link, use_visual_meshes=True, mesh_name_prefixes=None)

Generates a function for quickly checking which of a group of points are contained within any container volumes. Four volume types are supported: "Cylinder" - Cylinder volume "Cube" - Cube volume "Sphere" - Sphere volume "Mesh" - Convex hull volume

@volume_link should have any number of nested, visual-only meshes of types {Sphere, Cylinder, Cube, Mesh} with naming prefix "container[...]"


Name Type Description Default
obj EntityPrim

Object which contains @volume_link as one of its links

volume_link RigidPrim

Link to use to grab container volumes composing the values for checking the points

use_visual_meshes bool

Whether to use @volume_link's visual or collision meshes to generate points fcn

mesh_name_prefixes None or str

If specified, specifies the substring that must exist in @volume_link's mesh names in order for that mesh to be included in the volume checker function. If None, no filtering will be used.



Type Description
2 - tuple
  • function: Function with signature:

    in_range = check_in_volumes(particle_positions)

where @in_range is a N-array boolean numpy array, (True where the particle is in the volume), and @particle_positions is a (N, 3) array specifying the particle positions in global coordinates

  • function: Function for grabbing real-time global scale volume of the container. Signature:

    vol = total_volume()

where @vol is the total volume being checked (expressed in global scale) aggregated across all container sub-volumes

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def generate_points_in_volume_checker_function(obj, volume_link, use_visual_meshes=True, mesh_name_prefixes=None):
    Generates a function for quickly checking which of a group of points are contained within any container volumes.
    Four volume types are supported:
        "Cylinder" - Cylinder volume
        "Cube" - Cube volume
        "Sphere" - Sphere volume
        "Mesh" - Convex hull volume

    @volume_link should have any number of nested, visual-only meshes of types {Sphere, Cylinder, Cube, Mesh} with
    naming prefix "container[...]"

        obj (EntityPrim): Object which contains @volume_link as one of its links
        volume_link (RigidPrim): Link to use to grab container volumes composing the values for checking the points
        use_visual_meshes (bool): Whether to use @volume_link's visual or collision meshes to generate points fcn
        mesh_name_prefixes (None or str): If specified, specifies the substring that must exist in @volume_link's
            mesh names in order for that mesh to be included in the volume checker function. If None, no filtering
            will be used.

            - function: Function with signature:

                in_range = check_in_volumes(particle_positions)

            where @in_range is a N-array boolean numpy array, (True where the particle is in the volume), and
            @particle_positions is a (N, 3) array specifying the particle positions in global coordinates

            - function: Function for grabbing real-time global scale volume of the container. Signature:

                vol = total_volume()

            where @vol is the total volume being checked (expressed in global scale) aggregated across
            all container sub-volumes
    # Iterate through all visual meshes and keep track of any that are prefixed with container
    container_meshes = []
    meshes = volume_link.visual_meshes if use_visual_meshes else volume_link.collision_meshes
    for container_mesh_name, container_mesh in meshes.items():
        if mesh_name_prefixes is None or mesh_name_prefixes in container_mesh_name:

    # Programmatically define the volume checker functions based on each container found
    volume_checker_fcns = []
    for sub_container_mesh in container_meshes:
        mesh_type = sub_container_mesh.prim.GetTypeName()
        if mesh_type == "Mesh":
            fcn, vol_fcn = _generate_convex_hull_volume_checker_functions(convex_hull_mesh=sub_container_mesh.prim)
        elif mesh_type == "Sphere":
            fcn = lambda mesh, particle_positions: check_points_in_sphere(
        elif mesh_type == "Cylinder":
            fcn = lambda mesh, particle_positions: check_points_in_cylinder(
                size=[mesh.GetAttribute("radius").Get(), mesh.GetAttribute("height").Get()],
        elif mesh_type == "Cone":
            fcn = lambda mesh, particle_positions: check_points_in_cone(
                size=[mesh.GetAttribute("radius").Get(), mesh.GetAttribute("height").Get()],
        elif mesh_type == "Cube":
            fcn = lambda mesh, particle_positions: check_points_in_cube(
            raise ValueError(f"Cannot create volume checker function for mesh of type: {mesh_type}")


    # Define the actual volume checker function
    def check_points_in_volumes(particle_positions):
        # Algo
        # 1. Particles in global frame --> particles in volume link frame (including scaling)
        # 2. For each volume checker function, apply volume checking
        # 3. Aggregate across all functions with OR condition (any volume satisfied for that point)

        n_particles = len(particle_positions)
        # Get pose of origin (global frame) in frame of volume link
        # NOTE: This assumes there is no relative scaling between obj and volume link
        volume_link_pos, volume_link_quat = volume_link.get_position_orientation()
        particle_positions = get_particle_positions_in_frame(

        in_volumes = th.zeros(n_particles).bool()
        for checker_fcn, mesh in zip(volume_checker_fcns, container_meshes):
            in_volumes |= checker_fcn(mesh.prim, particle_positions)

        return in_volumes

    # Define the actual volume calculator function
    def calculate_volume(precision=1e-5):
        # We use monte-carlo sampling to approximate the voluem up to @precision
        # NOTE: precision defines the RELATIVE precision of the volume computation -- i.e.: the relative error with
        # respect to the volume link's global AABB

        # Convert precision to minimum number of particles to sample
        min_n_particles = int(math.ceil(1.0 / precision))

        # Make sure container meshes are visible so AABB computation is correct
        for mesh in container_meshes:
            mesh.visible = True

        # Determine equally-spaced sampling distance to achieve this minimum particle count
        aabb_volume =
        sampling_distance = th.pow(aabb_volume / min_n_particles, 1 / 3.0)
        low, high = volume_link.visual_aabb
        n_particles_per_axis = ((high - low) / sampling_distance).int() + 1
        assert th.all(n_particles_per_axis), "Must increase precision for calculate_volume -- too coarse for sampling!"
        # 1e-10 is added because the extent might be an exact multiple of particle radius
        arrs = [th.arange(l, h, sampling_distance) for l, h, n in zip(low, high, n_particles_per_axis)]
        # Generate 3D-rectangular grid of points, and only keep the ones inside the mesh
        points = th.stack([arr.flatten() for arr in th.meshgrid(*arrs)]).T

        # Re-hide container meshes
        for mesh in container_meshes:
            mesh.visible = False

        # Return the fraction of the link AABB's volume based on fraction of points enclosed within it
        return aabb_volume * th.mean(check_points_in_volumes(points).float())

    return check_points_in_volumes, calculate_volume

get_particle_positions_from_frame(pos, quat, scale, particle_positions)

Transforms particle positions @positions from the frame specified by @pos and @quat with new scale @scale.

This is similar to @get_particle_positions_in_frame, but does the reverse operation, inverting @pos and @quat


Name Type Description Default
pos 3 - array

(x,y,z) pos of the local frame

quat 4 - array

(x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation of the local frame

scale 3 - array

(x,y,z) local scale of the local frame

particle_positions N, 3) array




Type Description
N,) array

updated particle positions in the parent coordinate frame

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_particle_positions_from_frame(pos, quat, scale, particle_positions):
    Transforms particle positions @positions from the frame specified by @pos and @quat with new scale @scale.

    This is similar to @get_particle_positions_in_frame, but does the reverse operation, inverting @pos and @quat

        pos (3-array): (x,y,z) pos of the local frame
        quat (4-array): (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation of the local frame
        scale (3-array): (x,y,z) local scale of the local frame
        particle_positions ((N, 3) array): positions

        (N,) array: updated particle positions in the parent coordinate frame
    # Scale by the new scale
    particle_positions = particle_positions * scale.reshape(1, 3)

    # Get pose of origin (global frame) in new_frame
    origin_in_new_frame = T.pose2mat((pos, quat))
    # Batch the transforms to get all particle points in the local link frame
    positions_tensor = th.tile(th.eye(4).reshape(1, 4, 4), (len(particle_positions), 1, 1))  # (N, 4, 4)
    # Scale by the new scale#
    positions_tensor[:, :3, 3] = particle_positions
    return (origin_in_new_frame @ positions_tensor)[:, :3, 3]  # (N, 3)

get_particle_positions_in_frame(pos, quat, scale, particle_positions)

Transforms particle positions @positions into the frame specified by @pos and @quat with new scale @scale, where @pos and @quat are assumed to be specified in the same coordinate frame that @particle_positions is specified


Name Type Description Default
pos 3 - array

(x,y,z) pos of the new frame

quat 4 - array

(x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation of the new frame

scale 3 - array

(x,y,z) local scale of the new frame

particle_positions N, 3) array




Type Description
N,) array

updated particle positions in the new coordinate frame

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_particle_positions_in_frame(pos, quat, scale, particle_positions):
    Transforms particle positions @positions into the frame specified by @pos and @quat with new scale @scale,
    where @pos and @quat are assumed to be specified in the same coordinate frame that @particle_positions is specified

        pos (3-array): (x,y,z) pos of the new frame
        quat (4-array): (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation of the new frame
        scale (3-array): (x,y,z) local scale of the new frame
        particle_positions ((N, 3) array): positions

        (N,) array: updated particle positions in the new coordinate frame

    # Get pose of origin (global frame) in new_frame
    origin_in_new_frame = T.pose_inv(T.pose2mat((pos, quat)))
    # Batch the transforms to get all particle points in the local link frame
    positions_tensor = th.tile(th.eye(4).reshape(1, 4, 4), (len(particle_positions), 1, 1))  # (N, 4, 4)
    # Scale by the new scale#
    positions_tensor[:, :3, 3] = particle_positions
    particle_positions = (origin_in_new_frame @ positions_tensor)[:, :3, 3]  # (N, 3)
    # Scale by the new scale
    return particle_positions / scale.reshape(1, 3)