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A centralized view that allows for reading and writing to an ArticulationView that covers multiple controllable objects in the scene. This is used to avoid the overhead of reading from many views for each robot in each physics step, a source of significant overhead.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class BatchControlViewAPIImpl:
    A centralized view that allows for reading and writing to an ArticulationView that covers multiple
    controllable objects in the scene. This is used to avoid the overhead of reading from many views
    for each robot in each physics step, a source of significant overhead.

    def __init__(self, pattern):
        # The prim path pattern that will be passed into the view
        self._pattern = pattern

        # The unified ArticulationView used to access all of the controllable objects in the scene.
        self._view = None

        # Cache for all of the view functions' return values within the same simulation step.
        # Keyed by function name without get_, the value is the return value of the function.
        self._read_cache = {}

        # Cache for all of the view functions' write values within the same simulation step.
        # Keyed by the function name without set_, the value is the set of indices that need to be updated.
        self._write_idx_cache = collections.defaultdict(set)

        # Mapping from prim path to index in the view.
        self._idx = {}

        # Mapping from prim idx to a dict that maps link name to link index in the view.
        self._link_idx = {}

        # Mapping from prim path to base footprint link name if one exists, None if the root is the base link.
        self._base_footprint_link_names = {}

    def clear(self):
        self._read_cache = {}
        self._write_idx_cache = collections.defaultdict(set)

    def flush_control(self):
        if "dof_position_targets" in self._write_idx_cache:
            pos_indices = th.tensor(sorted(self._write_idx_cache["dof_position_targets"]))
            pos_targets = self._read_cache["dof_position_targets"]
            self._view.set_dof_position_targets(pos_targets, pos_indices)

        if "dof_velocity_targets" in self._write_idx_cache:
            vel_indices = th.tensor(sorted(self._write_idx_cache["dof_velocity_targets"]))
            vel_targets = self._read_cache["dof_velocity_targets"]
            self._view.set_dof_velocity_targets(vel_targets, vel_indices)

        if "dof_actuation_forces" in self._write_idx_cache:
            eff_indices = th.tensor(sorted(self._write_idx_cache["dof_actuation_forces"]))
            eff_targets = self._read_cache["dof_actuation_forces"]
            self._view.set_dof_actuation_forces(eff_targets, eff_indices)

    def initialize_view(self):
        # First, get all of the controllable objects in the scene (avoiding circular import)
        from omnigibson.objects.controllable_object import ControllableObject

        controllable_objects = [
            obj for scene in og.sim.scenes for obj in scene.objects if isinstance(obj, ControllableObject)

        # Get their corresponding prim paths
        expected_prim_paths = {obj.articulation_root_path for obj in controllable_objects}

        # Apply the pattern to find the expected prim paths
        expected_prim_paths = {
            prim_path for prim_path in expected_prim_paths if re.fullmatch(self._pattern.replace("*", ".*"), prim_path)

        # Make sure we have at least one controllable object
        if len(expected_prim_paths) == 0:

        # Create the actual articulation view. Note that even though we search for base_link here,
        # the returned things will not necessarily be the base_link prim paths, but the appropriate
        # articulation root path for every object (base_link for non-fixed, parent for fixed objects)
        self._view = og.sim.physics_sim_view.create_articulation_view(self._pattern)
        view_prim_paths = self._view.prim_paths
        assert (
            set(view_prim_paths) == expected_prim_paths
        ), f"ControllableObjectViewAPI expected prim paths {expected_prim_paths} but got {view_prim_paths}"

        # Create the mapping from prim path to index
        self._idx = {prim_path: i for i, prim_path in enumerate(view_prim_paths)}
        self._link_idx = [
            {link_path.split("/")[-1]: j for j, link_path in enumerate(articulation_link_paths)}
            for articulation_link_paths in self._view.link_paths
        self._base_footprint_link_names = {
            obj.articulation_root_path: (
                obj.base_footprint_link_name if obj.base_footprint_link_name != obj.root_link_name else None
            for obj in controllable_objects

    def set_joint_position_targets(self, prim_path, positions, indices):
        assert len(indices) == len(positions), "Indices and values must have the same length"
        idx = self._idx[prim_path]

        # Load the current targets.
        if "dof_position_targets" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["dof_position_targets"] = self._view.get_dof_position_targets()

        # Update the target
        self._read_cache["dof_position_targets"][idx][indices] = positions

        # Add this index to the write cache

    def set_joint_velocity_targets(self, prim_path, velocities, indices):
        assert len(indices) == len(velocities), "Indices and values must have the same length"
        idx = self._idx[prim_path]

        # Load the current targets.
        if "dof_velocity_targets" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["dof_velocity_targets"] = self._view.get_dof_velocity_targets()

        # Update the target
        self._read_cache["dof_velocity_targets"][idx][indices] = velocities

        # Add this index to the write cache

    def set_joint_efforts(self, prim_path, efforts, indices):
        assert len(indices) == len(efforts), "Indices and values must have the same length"
        idx = self._idx[prim_path]

        # Load the current targets.
        if "dof_actuation_forces" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["dof_actuation_forces"] = self._view.get_dof_actuation_forces()

        # Update the target
        self._read_cache["dof_actuation_forces"][idx][indices] = efforts

        # Add this index to the write cache

    def get_root_transform(self, prim_path):
        if "root_transforms" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["root_transforms"] = self._view.get_root_transforms()

        idx = self._idx[prim_path]
        pose = self._read_cache["root_transforms"][idx]
        return pose[:3], pose[3:]

    def get_position_orientation(self, prim_path):
        # Here we want to return the position of the base footprint link. If the base footprint link is None,
        # we return the position of the root link.
        if self._base_footprint_link_names[prim_path] is not None:
            link_name = self._base_footprint_link_names[prim_path]
            return self.get_link_transform(prim_path, link_name)
            return self.get_root_transform(prim_path)

    def get_linear_velocity(self, prim_path):
        if self._base_footprint_link_names[prim_path] is not None:
            link_name = self._base_footprint_link_names[prim_path]
            return self.get_link_linear_velocity(prim_path, link_name)
            return self.get_root_linear_velocity(prim_path)

    def get_angular_velocity(self, prim_path):
        if self._base_footprint_link_names[prim_path] is not None:
            link_name = self._base_footprint_link_names[prim_path]
            return self.get_link_angular_velocity(prim_path, link_name)
            return self.get_root_angular_velocity(prim_path)

    def get_root_linear_velocity(self, prim_path):
        if "root_velocities" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["root_velocities"] = self._view.get_root_velocities()

        idx = self._idx[prim_path]
        return self._read_cache["root_velocities"][idx][:3]

    def get_root_angular_velocity(self, prim_path):
        if "root_velocities" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["root_velocities"] = self._view.get_root_velocities()

        idx = self._idx[prim_path]
        return self._read_cache["root_velocities"][idx][3:]

    def get_relative_linear_velocity(self, prim_path):
        orn = self.get_position_orientation(prim_path)[1]
        linvel = self.get_linear_velocity(prim_path)
        # x.T --> transpose (inverse) orientation
        return T.quat2mat(orn).T @ linvel

    def get_relative_angular_velocity(self, prim_path):
        orn = self.get_position_orientation(prim_path)[1]
        angvel = self.get_angular_velocity(prim_path)
        # x.T --> transpose (inverse) orientation
        return T.quat2mat(orn).T @ angvel

    def get_joint_positions(self, prim_path):
        if "dof_positions" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["dof_positions"] = self._view.get_dof_positions()

        idx = self._idx[prim_path]
        return self._read_cache["dof_positions"][idx]

    def get_joint_velocities(self, prim_path):
        if "dof_velocities" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["dof_velocities"] = self._view.get_dof_velocities()

        idx = self._idx[prim_path]
        return self._read_cache["dof_velocities"][idx]

    def get_joint_efforts(self, prim_path):
        if "dof_projected_joint_forces" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["dof_projected_joint_forces"] = self._view.get_dof_projected_joint_forces()

        idx = self._idx[prim_path]
        return self._read_cache["dof_projected_joint_forces"][idx]

    def get_mass_matrix(self, prim_path):
        if "mass_matrices" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["mass_matrices"] = self._view.get_mass_matrices()

        idx = self._idx[prim_path]
        return self._read_cache["mass_matrices"][idx]

    def get_generalized_gravity_forces(self, prim_path):
        if "generalized_gravity_forces" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["generalized_gravity_forces"] = self._view.get_generalized_gravity_forces()

        idx = self._idx[prim_path]
        return self._read_cache["generalized_gravity_forces"][idx]

    def get_coriolis_and_centrifugal_forces(self, prim_path):
        if "coriolis_and_centrifugal_forces" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["coriolis_and_centrifugal_forces"] = self._view.get_coriolis_and_centrifugal_forces()

        idx = self._idx[prim_path]
        return self._read_cache["coriolis_and_centrifugal_forces"][idx]

    def get_link_transform(self, prim_path, link_name):
        if "link_transforms" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["link_transforms"] = self._view.get_link_transforms()

        idx = self._idx[prim_path]
        link_idx = self._link_idx[idx][link_name]
        pose = self._read_cache["link_transforms"][idx][link_idx]
        return pose[:3], pose[3:]

    def get_link_relative_position_orientation(self, prim_path, link_name):
        pos, orn = self.get_link_transform(prim_path, link_name)

        # Get the root world transform too
        world_pos, world_orn = self.get_position_orientation(prim_path)

        # Compute the relative position and orientation
        return T.relative_pose_transform(pos, orn, world_pos, world_orn)

    def get_link_linear_velocity(self, prim_path, link_name):
        if "link_velocities" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["link_velocities"] = self._view.get_link_velocities()

        idx = self._idx[prim_path]
        link_idx = self._link_idx[idx][link_name]
        vel = self._read_cache["link_velocities"][idx][link_idx]
        linvel = vel[:3]

        return linvel

    def get_link_relative_linear_velocity(self, prim_path, link_name):
        linvel = self.get_link_linear_velocity(prim_path, link_name)

        # Get the root world transform too
        _, world_orn = self.get_position_orientation(prim_path)

        # Compute the relative position and orientation
        return T.quat2mat(world_orn).T @ linvel

    def get_link_angular_velocity(self, prim_path, link_name):
        if "link_velocities" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["link_velocities"] = self._view.get_link_velocities()

        idx = self._idx[prim_path]
        link_idx = self._link_idx[idx][link_name]
        vel = self._read_cache["link_velocities"][idx][link_idx]
        angvel = vel[3:]

        return angvel

    def get_link_relative_angular_velocity(self, prim_path, link_name):
        angvel = self.get_link_angular_velocity(prim_path, link_name)

        # Get the root world transform too
        _, world_orn = self.get_position_orientation(prim_path)

        # Compute the relative position and orientation
        return T.quat2mat(world_orn).T @ angvel

    def get_jacobian(self, prim_path):
        if "jacobians" not in self._read_cache:
            self._read_cache["jacobians"] = self._view.get_jacobians()

        idx = self._idx[prim_path]
        return self._read_cache["jacobians"][idx]

    def get_relative_jacobian(self, prim_path):
        jacobian = self.get_jacobian(prim_path)
        ori_t = T.quat2mat(self.get_position_orientation(prim_path)[1]).T
        tf = th.zeros((1, 6, 6), dtype=th.float32)
        tf[:, :3, :3] = ori_t
        tf[:, 3:, 3:] = ori_t
        return tf @ jacobian


Class containing class methods to facilitate collision handling, e.g. collision groups

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class CollisionAPI:
    Class containing class methods to facilitate collision handling, e.g. collision groups


    def create_collision_group(cls, col_group, filter_self_collisions=False):
        Creates a new collision group with name @col_group

            col_group (str): Name of the collision group to create
            filter_self_collisions (bool): Whether to ignore self-collisions within the group. Default is False
        # Can only be done when sim is stopped
        assert og.sim is None or og.sim.is_stopped(), "Cannot create a collision group unless og.sim is stopped!"

        # Make sure the group doesn't already exist
        assert (
            col_group not in cls.ACTIVE_COLLISION_GROUPS
        ), f"Cannot create collision group {col_group} because it already exists!"

        # Create the group
        col_group_prim_path = f"/World/collision_groups/{col_group}"
        group = lazy.pxr.UsdPhysics.CollisionGroup.Define(og.sim.stage, col_group_prim_path)
        if filter_self_collisions:
            # Do not collide with self
        cls.ACTIVE_COLLISION_GROUPS[col_group] = group

    def add_to_collision_group(cls, col_group, prim_path):
        Adds the prim and all nested prims specified by @prim_path to the global collision group @col_group. If @col_group
        does not exist, then it will either be created if @create_if_not_exist is True, otherwise will raise an Error.
            col_group (str): Name of the collision group to assign the prim at @prim_path to
            prim_path (str): Prim (and all nested prims) to assign to this @col_group
        # Make sure collision group exists
        assert (
            col_group in cls.ACTIVE_COLLISION_GROUPS
        ), f"Cannot add to collision group {col_group} because it does not exist!"

        # Add this prim to the collision group

    def add_group_filter(cls, col_group, filter_group):
        Adds a new group filter for group @col_group, filtering all collision with group @filter_group
            col_group (str): Name of the collision group which will have a new filter group added
            filter_group (str): Name of the group that should be filtered
        # Make sure the group doesn't already exist
        for group_name in (col_group, filter_group):
            assert group_name in cls.ACTIVE_COLLISION_GROUPS, (
                f"Cannot add group filter {filter_group} to collision group {col_group} because at least one group "
                f"does not exist!"

        # Grab the group, and add the filter
        filter_group_prim_path = f"/World/collision_groups/{filter_group}"
        group = cls.ACTIVE_COLLISION_GROUPS[col_group]

    def clear(cls):
        Clears the internal state of this CollisionAPI
        # Remove all the collision group prims
        for col_group_prim in cls.ACTIVE_COLLISION_GROUPS.values():

        # Remove the collision groups tree

        # Clear the dictionary

add_group_filter(col_group, filter_group) classmethod

Adds a new group filter for group @col_group, filtering all collision with group @filter_group Args: col_group (str): Name of the collision group which will have a new filter group added filter_group (str): Name of the group that should be filtered

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def add_group_filter(cls, col_group, filter_group):
    Adds a new group filter for group @col_group, filtering all collision with group @filter_group
        col_group (str): Name of the collision group which will have a new filter group added
        filter_group (str): Name of the group that should be filtered
    # Make sure the group doesn't already exist
    for group_name in (col_group, filter_group):
        assert group_name in cls.ACTIVE_COLLISION_GROUPS, (
            f"Cannot add group filter {filter_group} to collision group {col_group} because at least one group "
            f"does not exist!"

    # Grab the group, and add the filter
    filter_group_prim_path = f"/World/collision_groups/{filter_group}"
    group = cls.ACTIVE_COLLISION_GROUPS[col_group]

add_to_collision_group(col_group, prim_path) classmethod

Adds the prim and all nested prims specified by @prim_path to the global collision group @col_group. If @col_group does not exist, then it will either be created if @create_if_not_exist is True, otherwise will raise an Error. Args: col_group (str): Name of the collision group to assign the prim at @prim_path to prim_path (str): Prim (and all nested prims) to assign to this @col_group

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def add_to_collision_group(cls, col_group, prim_path):
    Adds the prim and all nested prims specified by @prim_path to the global collision group @col_group. If @col_group
    does not exist, then it will either be created if @create_if_not_exist is True, otherwise will raise an Error.
        col_group (str): Name of the collision group to assign the prim at @prim_path to
        prim_path (str): Prim (and all nested prims) to assign to this @col_group
    # Make sure collision group exists
    assert (
        col_group in cls.ACTIVE_COLLISION_GROUPS
    ), f"Cannot add to collision group {col_group} because it does not exist!"

    # Add this prim to the collision group

clear() classmethod

Clears the internal state of this CollisionAPI

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def clear(cls):
    Clears the internal state of this CollisionAPI
    # Remove all the collision group prims
    for col_group_prim in cls.ACTIVE_COLLISION_GROUPS.values():

    # Remove the collision groups tree

    # Clear the dictionary

create_collision_group(col_group, filter_self_collisions=False) classmethod

Creates a new collision group with name @col_group


Name Type Description Default
col_group str

Name of the collision group to create

filter_self_collisions bool

Whether to ignore self-collisions within the group. Default is False

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def create_collision_group(cls, col_group, filter_self_collisions=False):
    Creates a new collision group with name @col_group

        col_group (str): Name of the collision group to create
        filter_self_collisions (bool): Whether to ignore self-collisions within the group. Default is False
    # Can only be done when sim is stopped
    assert og.sim is None or og.sim.is_stopped(), "Cannot create a collision group unless og.sim is stopped!"

    # Make sure the group doesn't already exist
    assert (
        col_group not in cls.ACTIVE_COLLISION_GROUPS
    ), f"Cannot create collision group {col_group} because it already exists!"

    # Create the group
    col_group_prim_path = f"/World/collision_groups/{col_group}"
    group = lazy.pxr.UsdPhysics.CollisionGroup.Define(og.sim.stage, col_group_prim_path)
    if filter_self_collisions:
        # Do not collide with self
    cls.ACTIVE_COLLISION_GROUPS[col_group] = group


An interface that creates BatchControlViewAPIImpl instances for each robot type in the scene.

This is done to avoid the overhead of reading from many views for each robot in each physics step, providing major speed improvements in vector env use cases.

This class is a singleton, and should be used to access the BatchControlViewAPIImpl instances.

The pattern used to group the robots is based on the robot prim paths, which is assumed to be in the format /World/scene_*/controllable__robottype__robotname.

The patterns used by the subviews are generated by replacing the robot name with a wildcard, so that all robots of the same type are grouped together. If there are fixed base robots, they will be grouped separately from non-fixed base robots even within the same robot type, by virtue of their different articulation root paths.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class ControllableObjectViewAPI:
    An interface that creates BatchControlViewAPIImpl instances for each robot type in the scene.

    This is done to avoid the overhead of reading from many views for each robot in each physics step,
    providing major speed improvements in vector env use cases.

    This class is a singleton, and should be used to access the BatchControlViewAPIImpl instances.

    The pattern used to group the robots is based on the robot prim paths, which is assumed to be in the format

    The patterns used by the subviews are generated by replacing the robot name with a wildcard, so that all robots
    of the same type are grouped together. If there are fixed base robots, they will be grouped separately from
    non-fixed base robots even within the same robot type, by virtue of their different articulation root paths.

    # Dictionary mapping from pattern to BatchControlViewAPIImpl

    def clear(cls):
        for view in cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN.values():

    def flush_control(cls):
        for view in cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN.values():

    def initialize_view(cls):
        cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN = {}

        # First, get all of the controllable objects in the scene (avoiding circular import)
        from omnigibson.objects.controllable_object import ControllableObject

        controllable_objects = [
            obj for scene in og.sim.scenes for obj in scene.objects if isinstance(obj, ControllableObject)

        # Get their corresponding prim paths
        expected_prim_paths = {obj.articulation_root_path for obj in controllable_objects}

        # Group the prim paths by robot type
        patterns = {cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path) for prim_path in expected_prim_paths}

        # Create the view for each robot type / fixedness combo
        for pattern in patterns:
            if pattern not in cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN:
                cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[pattern] = BatchControlViewAPIImpl(pattern)

        # Initialize the views
        for view in cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN.values():

        # Assert that the views' prim paths are disjoint
        all_prim_paths = []
        for view in cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN.values():
        counts = collections.Counter(all_prim_paths)

        missing = set(expected_prim_paths) - set(all_prim_paths)
        assert len(missing) == 0, f"Prim paths {missing} are missing from the views!"

        more_than_once = {prim_path: count for prim_path, count in counts.items() if count > 1}
        assert len(more_than_once) == 0, f"Prim paths {more_than_once} are present in multiple views!"

    def _get_pattern_from_prim_path(cls, prim_path):
        Returns which of the regexes this prim path should be found in.

        Note that since the prim path will be an articulation root path, this works for both fixed base and
        non-fixed base robots. Fixed and non-fixed versions of the same robot will be mapped to different
        patterns since they have different articulation root paths (object prim vs base link prim).
        scene_id, robot_name = prim_path.split("/")[2:4]
        assert scene_id.startswith("scene_"), f"Prim path 2nd component {prim_path} does not start with scene_"
        components = robot_name.split("__")
        assert (
            len(components) == 3
        ), f"Robot prim path's 3rd component {robot_name} does not match expected format of prefix__robottype__robotname."
        assert (
            components[0] == "controllable"
        ), f"Prim path {prim_path} 3rd component does not start with prefix {cls._prefix}__"
        robot_name_pattern = prim_path.replace(f"/{scene_id}/", "/scene_*/").replace(
            f"/{robot_name}", f"/{components[0]}__{components[1]}__*"
        return robot_name_pattern

    def set_joint_position_targets(cls, prim_path, positions, indices):
            prim_path, positions, indices

    def set_joint_velocity_targets(cls, prim_path, velocities, indices):
            prim_path, velocities, indices

    def set_joint_efforts(cls, prim_path, efforts, indices):
        cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].set_joint_efforts(prim_path, efforts, indices)

    def get_position_orientation(cls, prim_path):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_position_orientation(prim_path)

    def get_linear_velocity(cls, prim_path):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_linear_velocity(prim_path)

    def get_angular_velocity(cls, prim_path):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_angular_velocity(prim_path)

    def get_relative_linear_velocity(cls, prim_path):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_relative_linear_velocity(prim_path)

    def get_relative_angular_velocity(cls, prim_path):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_relative_angular_velocity(

    def get_joint_positions(cls, prim_path):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_joint_positions(prim_path)

    def get_joint_velocities(cls, prim_path):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_joint_velocities(prim_path)

    def get_joint_efforts(cls, prim_path):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_joint_efforts(prim_path)

    def get_mass_matrix(cls, prim_path):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_mass_matrix(prim_path)

    def get_generalized_gravity_forces(cls, prim_path):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_generalized_gravity_forces(

    def get_coriolis_and_centrifugal_forces(cls, prim_path):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_coriolis_and_centrifugal_forces(

    def get_link_relative_position_orientation(cls, prim_path, link_name):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_link_relative_position_orientation(
            prim_path, link_name

    def get_link_relative_linear_velocity(cls, prim_path, link_name):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_link_relative_linear_velocity(
            prim_path, link_name

    def get_link_relative_angular_velocity(cls, prim_path, link_name):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_link_relative_angular_velocity(
            prim_path, link_name

    def get_jacobian(cls, prim_path):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_jacobian(prim_path)

    def get_relative_jacobian(cls, prim_path):
        return cls._VIEWS_BY_PATTERN[cls._get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path)].get_relative_jacobian(prim_path)

_get_pattern_from_prim_path(prim_path) classmethod

Returns which of the regexes this prim path should be found in.

Note that since the prim path will be an articulation root path, this works for both fixed base and non-fixed base robots. Fixed and non-fixed versions of the same robot will be mapped to different patterns since they have different articulation root paths (object prim vs base link prim).

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def _get_pattern_from_prim_path(cls, prim_path):
    Returns which of the regexes this prim path should be found in.

    Note that since the prim path will be an articulation root path, this works for both fixed base and
    non-fixed base robots. Fixed and non-fixed versions of the same robot will be mapped to different
    patterns since they have different articulation root paths (object prim vs base link prim).
    scene_id, robot_name = prim_path.split("/")[2:4]
    assert scene_id.startswith("scene_"), f"Prim path 2nd component {prim_path} does not start with scene_"
    components = robot_name.split("__")
    assert (
        len(components) == 3
    ), f"Robot prim path's 3rd component {robot_name} does not match expected format of prefix__robottype__robotname."
    assert (
        components[0] == "controllable"
    ), f"Prim path {prim_path} 3rd component does not start with prefix {cls._prefix}__"
    robot_name_pattern = prim_path.replace(f"/{scene_id}/", "/scene_*/").replace(
        f"/{robot_name}", f"/{components[0]}__{components[1]}__*"
    return robot_name_pattern


Monolithic class for leveraging functionality meant to be used EXCLUSIVELY with flatcache.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class FlatcacheAPI:
    Monolithic class for leveraging functionality meant to be used EXCLUSIVELY with flatcache.

    # Modified prims since transition from sim being stopped to sim being played occurred
    # This should get cleared every time og.sim.stop() gets called
    MODIFIED_PRIMS = set()

    def sync_raw_object_transforms_in_usd(cls, prim):
        Manually synchronizes the per-link local raw transforms per-joint raw states from entity prim @prim using
        dynamic control interface as the ground truth.

        NOTE: This slightly abuses the dynamic control - usd integration, and should ONLY be used if flatcache
        is active, since the USD is not R/W at runtime and so we can write directly to child link poses on the USD
        without breaking the simulation!

            prim (EntityPrim): prim whose owned links and joints should have their raw local states updated to match the
                "true" values found from the dynamic control interface
        # Make sure flatcache is enabled -- this should NEVER be called otherwise!!
        assert gm.ENABLE_FLATCACHE, "Syncing raw object transforms should only occur if flatcache is being used!"

        # We're somewhat abusing low-level dynamic control - physx - usd integration, but we (supposedly) know
        # what we're doing so we suppress logging so we don't see any error messages :D
        with suppress_omni_log(["omni.physx.plugin"]):
            # Import here to avoid circular imports
            from omnigibson.prims.xform_prim import XFormPrim

            # 1. For every link, update its xformOp properties based on the delta_tf between object frame and link frame
            obj_pos, obj_quat = XFormPrim.get_position_orientation(prim, frame="parent")
            for link in prim.links.values():
                rel_pos, rel_quat = T.relative_pose_transform(*link.get_position_orientation(), obj_pos, obj_quat)
                XFormPrim.set_position_orientation(link, position=rel_pos, orientation=rel_quat, frame="parent")
            # 2. For every joint, update its linear / angular joint state
            if prim.n_joints > 0:
                joints_pos = prim.get_joint_positions()
                for joint, joint_pos in zip(prim.joints.values(), joints_pos):
                    state_name = "linear" if joint.joint_type == JointType.JOINT_PRISMATIC else "angular"
                    joint_pos = (
                        joint_pos if joint.joint_type == JointType.JOINT_PRISMATIC else joint_pos * 180.0 / math.pi
                    joint.set_attribute(f"state:{state_name}:physics:position", float(joint_pos))

            # Update the simulation without taking any time
            # This is needed because physx complains that we're manually writing to child links' poses, and will
            # subsequently not respect any additional writes to the object pose before an additional step is taken.
            # So we take a "zero" length step so that any additional writes to the object's pose at the current
            # timestep are respected
            og.sim.pi.update_simulation(elapsedStep=0, currentTime=og.sim.current_time)

        # Add this prim to the set of modified prims

    def reset_raw_object_transforms_in_usd(cls, prim):
        Manually resets the per-link local raw transforms and per-joint raw states from entity prim @prim to be zero.

        NOTE: This slightly abuses the dynamic control - usd integration, and should ONLY be used if flatcache
        is active, since the USD is not R/W at runtime and so we can write directly to child link poses on the USD
        without breaking the simulation!

            prim (EntityPrim): prim whose owned links and joints should have their local values reset to be zero
        # Make sure flatcache is enabled -- this should NEVER be called otherwise!!
        assert gm.ENABLE_FLATCACHE, "Resetting raw object transforms should only occur if flatcache is being used!"

        # We're somewhat abusing low-level dynamic control - physx - usd integration, but we (supposedly) know
        # what we're doing so we suppress logging so we don't see any error messages :D
        with suppress_omni_log(["omni.physx.plugin"]):
            # Import here to avoid circular imports
            from omnigibson.prims.xform_prim import XFormPrim

            # 1. For every link, update its xformOp properties to be 0
            for link in prim.links.values():
                    link, position=th.zeros(3), orientation=th.tensor([0, 0, 0, 1.0]), frame="parent"
            # 2. For every joint, update its linear / angular joint state to be 0
            if prim.n_joints > 0:
                for joint in prim.joints.values():
                    state_name = "linear" if joint.joint_type == JointType.JOINT_PRISMATIC else "angular"
                    joint.set_attribute(f"state:{state_name}:physics:position", 0.0)

            # Update the simulation without taking any time
            # This is needed because physx complains that we're manually writing to child links' poses, and will
            # subsequently not respect any additional writes to the object pose before an additional step is taken.
            # So we take a "zero" length step so that any additional writes to the object's pose at the current
            # timestep are respected
            og.sim.pi.update_simulation(elapsedStep=0, currentTime=og.sim.current_time)

    def reset(cls):
        Resets the internal state of this FlatcacheAPI.This should only occur when the simulator is stopped
        # For any prim transforms that were manually updated, we need to restore their original transforms
        for prim in cls.MODIFIED_PRIMS:
        cls.MODIFIED_PRIMS = set()

reset() classmethod

Resets the internal state of this FlatcacheAPI.This should only occur when the simulator is stopped

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def reset(cls):
    Resets the internal state of this FlatcacheAPI.This should only occur when the simulator is stopped
    # For any prim transforms that were manually updated, we need to restore their original transforms
    for prim in cls.MODIFIED_PRIMS:
    cls.MODIFIED_PRIMS = set()

reset_raw_object_transforms_in_usd(prim) classmethod

Manually resets the per-link local raw transforms and per-joint raw states from entity prim @prim to be zero.

NOTE: This slightly abuses the dynamic control - usd integration, and should ONLY be used if flatcache is active, since the USD is not R/W at runtime and so we can write directly to child link poses on the USD without breaking the simulation!


Name Type Description Default
prim EntityPrim

prim whose owned links and joints should have their local values reset to be zero

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def reset_raw_object_transforms_in_usd(cls, prim):
    Manually resets the per-link local raw transforms and per-joint raw states from entity prim @prim to be zero.

    NOTE: This slightly abuses the dynamic control - usd integration, and should ONLY be used if flatcache
    is active, since the USD is not R/W at runtime and so we can write directly to child link poses on the USD
    without breaking the simulation!

        prim (EntityPrim): prim whose owned links and joints should have their local values reset to be zero
    # Make sure flatcache is enabled -- this should NEVER be called otherwise!!
    assert gm.ENABLE_FLATCACHE, "Resetting raw object transforms should only occur if flatcache is being used!"

    # We're somewhat abusing low-level dynamic control - physx - usd integration, but we (supposedly) know
    # what we're doing so we suppress logging so we don't see any error messages :D
    with suppress_omni_log(["omni.physx.plugin"]):
        # Import here to avoid circular imports
        from omnigibson.prims.xform_prim import XFormPrim

        # 1. For every link, update its xformOp properties to be 0
        for link in prim.links.values():
                link, position=th.zeros(3), orientation=th.tensor([0, 0, 0, 1.0]), frame="parent"
        # 2. For every joint, update its linear / angular joint state to be 0
        if prim.n_joints > 0:
            for joint in prim.joints.values():
                state_name = "linear" if joint.joint_type == JointType.JOINT_PRISMATIC else "angular"
                joint.set_attribute(f"state:{state_name}:physics:position", 0.0)

        # Update the simulation without taking any time
        # This is needed because physx complains that we're manually writing to child links' poses, and will
        # subsequently not respect any additional writes to the object pose before an additional step is taken.
        # So we take a "zero" length step so that any additional writes to the object's pose at the current
        # timestep are respected
        og.sim.pi.update_simulation(elapsedStep=0, currentTime=og.sim.current_time)

sync_raw_object_transforms_in_usd(prim) classmethod

Manually synchronizes the per-link local raw transforms per-joint raw states from entity prim @prim using dynamic control interface as the ground truth.

NOTE: This slightly abuses the dynamic control - usd integration, and should ONLY be used if flatcache is active, since the USD is not R/W at runtime and so we can write directly to child link poses on the USD without breaking the simulation!


Name Type Description Default
prim EntityPrim

prim whose owned links and joints should have their raw local states updated to match the "true" values found from the dynamic control interface

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def sync_raw_object_transforms_in_usd(cls, prim):
    Manually synchronizes the per-link local raw transforms per-joint raw states from entity prim @prim using
    dynamic control interface as the ground truth.

    NOTE: This slightly abuses the dynamic control - usd integration, and should ONLY be used if flatcache
    is active, since the USD is not R/W at runtime and so we can write directly to child link poses on the USD
    without breaking the simulation!

        prim (EntityPrim): prim whose owned links and joints should have their raw local states updated to match the
            "true" values found from the dynamic control interface
    # Make sure flatcache is enabled -- this should NEVER be called otherwise!!
    assert gm.ENABLE_FLATCACHE, "Syncing raw object transforms should only occur if flatcache is being used!"

    # We're somewhat abusing low-level dynamic control - physx - usd integration, but we (supposedly) know
    # what we're doing so we suppress logging so we don't see any error messages :D
    with suppress_omni_log(["omni.physx.plugin"]):
        # Import here to avoid circular imports
        from omnigibson.prims.xform_prim import XFormPrim

        # 1. For every link, update its xformOp properties based on the delta_tf between object frame and link frame
        obj_pos, obj_quat = XFormPrim.get_position_orientation(prim, frame="parent")
        for link in prim.links.values():
            rel_pos, rel_quat = T.relative_pose_transform(*link.get_position_orientation(), obj_pos, obj_quat)
            XFormPrim.set_position_orientation(link, position=rel_pos, orientation=rel_quat, frame="parent")
        # 2. For every joint, update its linear / angular joint state
        if prim.n_joints > 0:
            joints_pos = prim.get_joint_positions()
            for joint, joint_pos in zip(prim.joints.values(), joints_pos):
                state_name = "linear" if joint.joint_type == JointType.JOINT_PRISMATIC else "angular"
                joint_pos = (
                    joint_pos if joint.joint_type == JointType.JOINT_PRISMATIC else joint_pos * 180.0 / math.pi
                joint.set_attribute(f"state:{state_name}:physics:position", float(joint_pos))

        # Update the simulation without taking any time
        # This is needed because physx complains that we're manually writing to child links' poses, and will
        # subsequently not respect any additional writes to the object pose before an additional step is taken.
        # So we take a "zero" length step so that any additional writes to the object's pose at the current
        # timestep are respected
        og.sim.pi.update_simulation(elapsedStep=0, currentTime=og.sim.current_time)

    # Add this prim to the set of modified prims


This is a singleton class for getting world poses. Whenever we directly set the pose of a prim, we should call PoseAPI.invalidate(). After that, if we need to access the pose of a prim without stepping physics, this class will refresh the poses by syncing across USD-fabric-PhysX depending on the flatcache setting.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class PoseAPI:
    This is a singleton class for getting world poses.
    Whenever we directly set the pose of a prim, we should call PoseAPI.invalidate().
    After that, if we need to access the pose of a prim without stepping physics,
    this class will refresh the poses by syncing across USD-fabric-PhysX depending on the flatcache setting.

    VALID = False

    # Dictionary mapping prim path to fabric prim
    PRIMS = dict()

    def clear(cls):
        cls.PRIMS = dict()

    def invalidate(cls):
        cls.VALID = False

    def mark_valid(cls):
        cls.VALID = True

    def _refresh(cls):
        if og.sim is not None and not cls.VALID:
            # when flatcache is on
            if og.sim._physx_fabric_interface:
                # no time step is taken here
                og.sim._physx_fabric_interface.update(og.sim.get_physics_dt(), og.sim.current_time)
            # when flatcache is off
                # no time step is taken here

    def get_world_pose(cls, prim_path):
        Gets pose of the prim object with respect to the world frame
            Prim_path: the path of the prim object
                - torch.Tensor: (x,y,z) position in the world frame
                - torch.Tensor: (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation in the world frame
        # Add to stored prims if not already existing
        if prim_path not in cls.PRIMS:
            cls.PRIMS[prim_path] = lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_at_path(prim_path=prim_path, fabric=True)


        # Avoid premature imports
        from omnigibson.utils.deprecated_utils import get_world_pose

        position, orientation = get_world_pose(cls.PRIMS[prim_path])
        return th.tensor(position, dtype=th.float32), th.tensor(orientation, dtype=th.float32)

    def get_world_pose_with_scale(cls, prim_path):
        This is used when information about the prim's global scale is needed,
        e.g. when converting points in the prim frame to the world frame.
        # Add to stored prims if not already existing
        if prim_path not in cls.PRIMS:
            cls.PRIMS[prim_path] = lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_at_path(prim_path=prim_path, fabric=True)

        # Avoid premature imports
        from omnigibson.utils.deprecated_utils import _get_world_pose_transform_w_scale

        return th.tensor(_get_world_pose_transform_w_scale(cls.PRIMS[prim_path]), dtype=th.float32).T

    def convert_world_pose_to_local(cls, prim, position, orientation):
        """Converts a world pose to a local pose under a prim's parent."""
        world_transform = T.pose2mat((position, orientation))
        parent_path = str(lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_parent(prim).GetPath())
        parent_world_transform = cls.get_world_pose_with_scale(parent_path)

        local_transform = th.linalg.inv_ex(parent_world_transform).inverse @ world_transform
        local_transform[:3, :3] /= th.linalg.norm(local_transform[:3, :3], dim=0)  # unscale local transform's rotation

        # Check that the local transform consists only of a position, scale and rotation
        product = local_transform[:3, :3] @ local_transform[:3, :3].T
        assert th.allclose(
            product, th.diag(th.diag(product)), atol=1e-3
        ), f"{prim.GetPath()} local transform is not orthogonal."

        # Return the local pose
        return T.mat2pose(local_transform)

convert_world_pose_to_local(prim, position, orientation) classmethod

Converts a world pose to a local pose under a prim's parent.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def convert_world_pose_to_local(cls, prim, position, orientation):
    """Converts a world pose to a local pose under a prim's parent."""
    world_transform = T.pose2mat((position, orientation))
    parent_path = str(lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_parent(prim).GetPath())
    parent_world_transform = cls.get_world_pose_with_scale(parent_path)

    local_transform = th.linalg.inv_ex(parent_world_transform).inverse @ world_transform
    local_transform[:3, :3] /= th.linalg.norm(local_transform[:3, :3], dim=0)  # unscale local transform's rotation

    # Check that the local transform consists only of a position, scale and rotation
    product = local_transform[:3, :3] @ local_transform[:3, :3].T
    assert th.allclose(
        product, th.diag(th.diag(product)), atol=1e-3
    ), f"{prim.GetPath()} local transform is not orthogonal."

    # Return the local pose
    return T.mat2pose(local_transform)

get_world_pose(prim_path) classmethod

Gets pose of the prim object with respect to the world frame Args: Prim_path: the path of the prim object Returns: 2-tuple: - torch.Tensor: (x,y,z) position in the world frame - torch.Tensor: (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation in the world frame

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_world_pose(cls, prim_path):
    Gets pose of the prim object with respect to the world frame
        Prim_path: the path of the prim object
            - torch.Tensor: (x,y,z) position in the world frame
            - torch.Tensor: (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation in the world frame
    # Add to stored prims if not already existing
    if prim_path not in cls.PRIMS:
        cls.PRIMS[prim_path] = lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_at_path(prim_path=prim_path, fabric=True)


    # Avoid premature imports
    from omnigibson.utils.deprecated_utils import get_world_pose

    position, orientation = get_world_pose(cls.PRIMS[prim_path])
    return th.tensor(position, dtype=th.float32), th.tensor(orientation, dtype=th.float32)

get_world_pose_with_scale(prim_path) classmethod

This is used when information about the prim's global scale is needed, e.g. when converting points in the prim frame to the world frame.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_world_pose_with_scale(cls, prim_path):
    This is used when information about the prim's global scale is needed,
    e.g. when converting points in the prim frame to the world frame.
    # Add to stored prims if not already existing
    if prim_path not in cls.PRIMS:
        cls.PRIMS[prim_path] = lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_at_path(prim_path=prim_path, fabric=True)

    # Avoid premature imports
    from omnigibson.utils.deprecated_utils import _get_world_pose_transform_w_scale

    return th.tensor(_get_world_pose_transform_w_scale(cls.PRIMS[prim_path]), dtype=th.float32).T


Class containing class methods to aggregate rigid body contacts across all rigid bodies in the simulator

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
class RigidContactAPIImpl:
    Class containing class methods to aggregate rigid body contacts across all rigid bodies in the simulator

    def __init__(self):
        self._PATH_TO_SCENE_IDX = dict()

        # Dictionary mapping rigid body prim path to corresponding index in the contact view matrix
        self._PATH_TO_ROW_IDX = dict()
        self._PATH_TO_COL_IDX = dict()

        # Numpy array of rigid body prim paths where its array index directly corresponds to the corresponding
        # index in the contact view matrix
        self._ROW_IDX_TO_PATH = dict()
        self._COL_IDX_TO_PATH = dict()

        # Contact view for generating contact matrices at each timestep
        self._CONTACT_VIEW = dict()

        # Current aggregated contacts over all rigid bodies at the current timestep. Shape: (N, N, 3)
        self._CONTACT_MATRIX = dict()

        # Current contact data cache containing forces, points, normals, separations, contact_counts, start_indices
        self._CONTACT_DATA = dict()

        # Current cache, mapping 2-tuple (prim_paths_a, prim_paths_b) to contact values
        self._CONTACT_CACHE = None

    def get_row_filters(cls):
        return [f"/World/scene_{i}/*/*" for i in range(len(og.sim.scenes))]

    def get_column_filters(cls):
        filters = dict()
        for scene_idx, scene in enumerate(og.sim.scenes):
            filters[scene_idx] = []
            for obj in scene.objects:
                if obj.prim_type == PrimType.RIGID:
                    for link in obj.links.values():
                        if not link.kinematic_only:

        return filters

    def get_max_contact_data_count(cls):
        return 0

    def initialize_view(self):
        Initializes the rigid contact view. Note: Can only be done when sim is playing!
        assert og.sim.is_playing(), "Cannot create rigid contact view while sim is not playing!"

        # Compile deterministic mapping from rigid body path to idx
        # Note that omni's ordering is based on the top-down object ordering path on the USD stage, which coincidentally
        # matches the same ordering we store objects in our registry. So the mapping we generate from our registry
        # mapping aligns with omni's ordering!
        column_filters = self.get_column_filters()
        for scene_idx, filters in column_filters.items():
            self._PATH_TO_COL_IDX[scene_idx] = dict()
            for i, link_path in enumerate(filters):
                self._PATH_TO_COL_IDX[scene_idx][link_path] = i
                self._PATH_TO_SCENE_IDX[link_path] = scene_idx

        # If there are no valid objects, clear the view and terminate early
        if len(column_filters) == 0:
            self._CONTACT_VIEW = dict()

        # Get the row filters too
        row_filters = self.get_row_filters()

        # Generate rigid body view, making sure to update the simulation first (without physics) so that the physx
        # backend is synchronized with any newly added objects
        # We also suppress the omni tensor plugin from giving warnings we expect
        og.sim.pi.update_simulation(elapsedStep=0, currentTime=og.sim.current_time)
        with suppress_omni_log(channels=["omni.physx.tensors.plugin"]):
            for scene_idx, _ in enumerate(og.sim.scenes):
                # TODO: How to make this work with the floor plane?
                # If there are no collidable objects in the scene, skip.
                if len(column_filters[scene_idx]) == 0:

                self._CONTACT_VIEW[scene_idx] = og.sim.physics_sim_view.create_rigid_contact_view(

                self._PATH_TO_ROW_IDX[scene_idx] = {
                    path: i for i, path in enumerate(self._CONTACT_VIEW[scene_idx].sensor_paths)

                self._ROW_IDX_TO_PATH[scene_idx] = list(self._PATH_TO_ROW_IDX[scene_idx].keys())
                self._COL_IDX_TO_PATH[scene_idx] = list(self._PATH_TO_COL_IDX[scene_idx].keys())

        # Sanity check generated view -- this should generate square matrices of shape (N, N, 3)
        # n_bodies = len(cls._PATH_TO_COL_IDX)
        # assert cls._CONTACT_VIEW.filter_count == n_bodies, \
        #     f"Got unexpected contact view shape. Expected: (N, {n_bodies}); " \
        #     f"got: (N, {cls._CONTACT_VIEW.filter_count})"

    def get_scene_idx(self, prim_path):
            int: scene idx for the rigid body defined by @prim_path
        return self._PATH_TO_SCENE_IDX[prim_path]

    def get_body_row_idx(self, prim_path):
            int: row idx assigned to the rigid body defined by @prim_path
        scene_idx = self._PATH_TO_SCENE_IDX[prim_path]
        return scene_idx, self._PATH_TO_ROW_IDX[scene_idx][prim_path]

    def get_body_col_idx(self, prim_path):
            int: col idx assigned to the rigid body defined by @prim_path
        scene_idx = self._PATH_TO_SCENE_IDX[prim_path]
        return scene_idx, self._PATH_TO_COL_IDX[scene_idx][prim_path]

    def get_row_idx_prim_path(self, scene_idx, idx):
            str: @prim_path corresponding to the row idx @idx in the contact matrix
        return self._ROW_IDX_TO_PATH[scene_idx][idx]

    def get_col_idx_prim_path(self, scene_idx, idx):
            str: @prim_path corresponding to the column idx @idx in the contact matrix
        return self._COL_IDX_TO_PATH[scene_idx][idx]

    def get_all_impulses(self, scene_idx):
        Grab all impulses at the current timestep

            n-array: (N, M, 3) impulse array defining current impulses between all N contact-sensor enabled rigid bodies
                in the simulator and M tracked rigid bodies
        # Generate the contact matrix if it doesn't already exist
        if scene_idx not in self._CONTACT_MATRIX:
            self._CONTACT_MATRIX[scene_idx] = self._CONTACT_VIEW[scene_idx].get_contact_force_matrix(dt=1.0)

        return self._CONTACT_MATRIX[scene_idx]

    def get_impulses(self, prim_paths_a, prim_paths_b):
        Grabs the matrix representing all impulse forces between rigid prims from @prim_paths_a and
        rigid prims from @prim_paths_b

            prim_paths_a (list of str): Rigid body prim path(s) with which to grab contact impulses against
                any of the rigid body prim path(s) defined by @prim_paths_b
            prim_paths_b (list of str): Rigid body prim path(s) with which to grab contact impulses against
                any of the rigid body prim path(s) defined by @prim_paths_a

            n-array: (N, M, 3) impulse array defining current impulses between N bodies from @prim_paths_a and M bodies
                from @prim_paths_b
        # Compute subset of matrix and return
        scene_idx = self._PATH_TO_SCENE_IDX[prim_paths_a[0]]
        idxs_a = [self._PATH_TO_ROW_IDX[scene_idx][path] for path in prim_paths_a]
        idxs_b = [self._PATH_TO_COL_IDX[scene_idx][path] for path in prim_paths_b]
        return self.get_all_impulses(scene_idx)[idxs_a][:, idxs_b]

    def get_contact_pairs(self, scene_idx, row_prim_paths=None, column_prim_paths=None):
        """Get pairs of prim paths that are in contact."""
        impulses = th.norm(self.get_all_impulses(scene_idx), dim=-1)
        assert impulses.ndim == 2, f"Impulse matrix should be 2D, found shape {impulses.shape}"
        interesting_col_paths = [
            p for p in self._PATH_TO_COL_IDX[scene_idx].keys() if column_prim_paths is None or p in column_prim_paths
        interesting_columns = [list(self.get_body_col_idx(pp))[1] for pp in interesting_col_paths]

        # Get the interesting-columns from the impulse matrix
        interesting_impulse_columns = impulses[:, interesting_columns]
        assert (
            interesting_impulse_columns.ndim == 2
        ), f"Impulse matrix should be 2D, found shape {interesting_impulse_columns.shape}"
        interesting_row_idxes = th.nonzero(th.any(interesting_impulse_columns > 0, dim=1)).flatten()
        interesting_row_paths = [self.get_row_idx_prim_path(scene_idx, i) for i in interesting_row_idxes]

        # Filter out idxes by whether or not the row path is in the row prim paths list
        if row_prim_paths is not None:
            interesting_row_idxes, interesting_row_paths = zip(
                *[(i, p) for i, p in zip(interesting_row_idxes, interesting_row_paths) if p in row_prim_paths]
            interesting_row_idxes = th.tensor(list(interesting_row_idxes))

        # Get the full interesting section of the impulse matrix
        interesting_impulses = interesting_impulse_columns[interesting_row_idxes]
        assert interesting_impulses.ndim == 2, f"Impulse matrix should be 2D, found shape {interesting_impulses.shape}"

        # Early return if not in contact.
        if not th.any(interesting_impulses > 0):
            return set()

        # Get all of the (row, col) pairs where the impulse is greater than 0
        return {
            (interesting_row_paths[row], interesting_col_paths[col])
            for row, col in zip(*th.nonzero(interesting_impulses > 0, as_tuple=True))

    def get_contact_data(self, scene_idx, row_prim_paths=None, column_prim_paths=None):
        # First check if the object has any contacts
        impulses = th.norm(self.get_all_impulses(scene_idx), dim=-1)
        assert impulses.ndim == 2, f"Impulse matrix should be 2D, found shape {impulses.shape}"

        row_idx = (
            if row_prim_paths is None
            else [self.get_body_row_idx(path)[1] for path in row_prim_paths]
        col_idx = (
            if column_prim_paths is None
            else [self.get_body_col_idx(path)[1] for path in column_prim_paths]
        relevant_impulses = impulses[row_idx][:, col_idx]

        # Early return if not in contact.
        if not th.any(relevant_impulses > 0):
            return []

        # Get the contact data
        if scene_idx not in self._CONTACT_DATA:
            self._CONTACT_DATA[scene_idx] = self._CONTACT_VIEW[scene_idx].get_contact_data(dt=1.0)

        # Get the contact data for this prim
        forces, points, normals, separations, contact_counts, start_indices = self._CONTACT_DATA[scene_idx]

        # Assert that one of two things is true: either the prim count and contact count are equal,
        # in which case we can zip them together, or the prim count is 1, in which case we can just
        # repeat the single prim data for all contacts. Otherwise, it is not clear which contacts are
        # happening between which two objects, so we return no contacts while printing an error.
        contacts = []
        for row in row_idx:
            row_prim_path = self.get_row_idx_prim_path(scene_idx, row)
            for col in col_idx:
                if contact_counts[row, col] == 0:
                col_prim_path = self.get_col_idx_prim_path(scene_idx, col)
                start_idx = start_indices[row, col]
                end_idx = start_idx + contact_counts[row, col]
                if start_idx >= len(forces):
                        f"Contact data for prim {row_prim_path} and "
                        f"{col_prim_path} is missing because there are too many contacts!"
                if end_idx > len(forces):
                        f"Contact data for prim {row_prim_path} and "
                        f"{col_prim_path} is partial because there are too many contacts!"

        return contacts

    def in_contact(self, prim_paths_a, prim_paths_b):
        Check if any rigid prim from @prim_paths_a is in contact with any rigid prim from @prim_paths_b

            prim_paths_a (list of str): Rigid body prim path(s) with which to check contact against any of the rigid
                body prim path(s) defined by @prim_paths_b
            prim_paths_b (list of str): Rigid body prim path(s) with which to check contact against any of the rigid
                body prim path(s) defined by @prim_paths_a

            bool: Whether any body from @prim_paths_a is in contact with any body from @prim_paths_b
        # Check if the contact tuple already exists in the cache; if so, return the value
        key = (tuple(prim_paths_a), tuple(prim_paths_b))
        if key not in self._CONTACT_CACHE:
            # In contact if any of the matrix values representing the interaction between the two groups is non-zero
            self._CONTACT_CACHE[key] = th.any(self.get_impulses(prim_paths_a=prim_paths_a, prim_paths_b=prim_paths_b))
        return self._CONTACT_CACHE[key].item()

    def clear(self):
        Clears the internal contact matrix and cache
        self._CONTACT_MATRIX = dict()
        self._CONTACT_DATA = dict()
        self._CONTACT_CACHE = dict()


Clears the internal contact matrix and cache

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def clear(self):
    Clears the internal contact matrix and cache
    self._CONTACT_MATRIX = dict()
    self._CONTACT_DATA = dict()
    self._CONTACT_CACHE = dict()


Grab all impulses at the current timestep


Type Description
n - array

(N, M, 3) impulse array defining current impulses between all N contact-sensor enabled rigid bodies in the simulator and M tracked rigid bodies

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_all_impulses(self, scene_idx):
    Grab all impulses at the current timestep

        n-array: (N, M, 3) impulse array defining current impulses between all N contact-sensor enabled rigid bodies
            in the simulator and M tracked rigid bodies
    # Generate the contact matrix if it doesn't already exist
    if scene_idx not in self._CONTACT_MATRIX:
        self._CONTACT_MATRIX[scene_idx] = self._CONTACT_VIEW[scene_idx].get_contact_force_matrix(dt=1.0)

    return self._CONTACT_MATRIX[scene_idx]



Type Description

col idx assigned to the rigid body defined by @prim_path

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_body_col_idx(self, prim_path):
        int: col idx assigned to the rigid body defined by @prim_path
    scene_idx = self._PATH_TO_SCENE_IDX[prim_path]
    return scene_idx, self._PATH_TO_COL_IDX[scene_idx][prim_path]



Type Description

row idx assigned to the rigid body defined by @prim_path

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_body_row_idx(self, prim_path):
        int: row idx assigned to the rigid body defined by @prim_path
    scene_idx = self._PATH_TO_SCENE_IDX[prim_path]
    return scene_idx, self._PATH_TO_ROW_IDX[scene_idx][prim_path]

get_col_idx_prim_path(scene_idx, idx)


Type Description

@prim_path corresponding to the column idx @idx in the contact matrix

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_col_idx_prim_path(self, scene_idx, idx):
        str: @prim_path corresponding to the column idx @idx in the contact matrix
    return self._COL_IDX_TO_PATH[scene_idx][idx]

get_contact_pairs(scene_idx, row_prim_paths=None, column_prim_paths=None)

Get pairs of prim paths that are in contact.

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_contact_pairs(self, scene_idx, row_prim_paths=None, column_prim_paths=None):
    """Get pairs of prim paths that are in contact."""
    impulses = th.norm(self.get_all_impulses(scene_idx), dim=-1)
    assert impulses.ndim == 2, f"Impulse matrix should be 2D, found shape {impulses.shape}"
    interesting_col_paths = [
        p for p in self._PATH_TO_COL_IDX[scene_idx].keys() if column_prim_paths is None or p in column_prim_paths
    interesting_columns = [list(self.get_body_col_idx(pp))[1] for pp in interesting_col_paths]

    # Get the interesting-columns from the impulse matrix
    interesting_impulse_columns = impulses[:, interesting_columns]
    assert (
        interesting_impulse_columns.ndim == 2
    ), f"Impulse matrix should be 2D, found shape {interesting_impulse_columns.shape}"
    interesting_row_idxes = th.nonzero(th.any(interesting_impulse_columns > 0, dim=1)).flatten()
    interesting_row_paths = [self.get_row_idx_prim_path(scene_idx, i) for i in interesting_row_idxes]

    # Filter out idxes by whether or not the row path is in the row prim paths list
    if row_prim_paths is not None:
        interesting_row_idxes, interesting_row_paths = zip(
            *[(i, p) for i, p in zip(interesting_row_idxes, interesting_row_paths) if p in row_prim_paths]
        interesting_row_idxes = th.tensor(list(interesting_row_idxes))

    # Get the full interesting section of the impulse matrix
    interesting_impulses = interesting_impulse_columns[interesting_row_idxes]
    assert interesting_impulses.ndim == 2, f"Impulse matrix should be 2D, found shape {interesting_impulses.shape}"

    # Early return if not in contact.
    if not th.any(interesting_impulses > 0):
        return set()

    # Get all of the (row, col) pairs where the impulse is greater than 0
    return {
        (interesting_row_paths[row], interesting_col_paths[col])
        for row, col in zip(*th.nonzero(interesting_impulses > 0, as_tuple=True))

get_impulses(prim_paths_a, prim_paths_b)

Grabs the matrix representing all impulse forces between rigid prims from @prim_paths_a and rigid prims from @prim_paths_b


Name Type Description Default
prim_paths_a list of str

Rigid body prim path(s) with which to grab contact impulses against any of the rigid body prim path(s) defined by @prim_paths_b

prim_paths_b list of str

Rigid body prim path(s) with which to grab contact impulses against any of the rigid body prim path(s) defined by @prim_paths_a



Type Description
n - array

(N, M, 3) impulse array defining current impulses between N bodies from @prim_paths_a and M bodies from @prim_paths_b

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_impulses(self, prim_paths_a, prim_paths_b):
    Grabs the matrix representing all impulse forces between rigid prims from @prim_paths_a and
    rigid prims from @prim_paths_b

        prim_paths_a (list of str): Rigid body prim path(s) with which to grab contact impulses against
            any of the rigid body prim path(s) defined by @prim_paths_b
        prim_paths_b (list of str): Rigid body prim path(s) with which to grab contact impulses against
            any of the rigid body prim path(s) defined by @prim_paths_a

        n-array: (N, M, 3) impulse array defining current impulses between N bodies from @prim_paths_a and M bodies
            from @prim_paths_b
    # Compute subset of matrix and return
    scene_idx = self._PATH_TO_SCENE_IDX[prim_paths_a[0]]
    idxs_a = [self._PATH_TO_ROW_IDX[scene_idx][path] for path in prim_paths_a]
    idxs_b = [self._PATH_TO_COL_IDX[scene_idx][path] for path in prim_paths_b]
    return self.get_all_impulses(scene_idx)[idxs_a][:, idxs_b]

get_row_idx_prim_path(scene_idx, idx)


Type Description

@prim_path corresponding to the row idx @idx in the contact matrix

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_row_idx_prim_path(self, scene_idx, idx):
        str: @prim_path corresponding to the row idx @idx in the contact matrix
    return self._ROW_IDX_TO_PATH[scene_idx][idx]



Type Description

scene idx for the rigid body defined by @prim_path

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_scene_idx(self, prim_path):
        int: scene idx for the rigid body defined by @prim_path
    return self._PATH_TO_SCENE_IDX[prim_path]

in_contact(prim_paths_a, prim_paths_b)

Check if any rigid prim from @prim_paths_a is in contact with any rigid prim from @prim_paths_b


Name Type Description Default
prim_paths_a list of str

Rigid body prim path(s) with which to check contact against any of the rigid body prim path(s) defined by @prim_paths_b

prim_paths_b list of str

Rigid body prim path(s) with which to check contact against any of the rigid body prim path(s) defined by @prim_paths_a



Type Description

Whether any body from @prim_paths_a is in contact with any body from @prim_paths_b

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def in_contact(self, prim_paths_a, prim_paths_b):
    Check if any rigid prim from @prim_paths_a is in contact with any rigid prim from @prim_paths_b

        prim_paths_a (list of str): Rigid body prim path(s) with which to check contact against any of the rigid
            body prim path(s) defined by @prim_paths_b
        prim_paths_b (list of str): Rigid body prim path(s) with which to check contact against any of the rigid
            body prim path(s) defined by @prim_paths_a

        bool: Whether any body from @prim_paths_a is in contact with any body from @prim_paths_b
    # Check if the contact tuple already exists in the cache; if so, return the value
    key = (tuple(prim_paths_a), tuple(prim_paths_b))
    if key not in self._CONTACT_CACHE:
        # In contact if any of the matrix values representing the interaction between the two groups is non-zero
        self._CONTACT_CACHE[key] = th.any(self.get_impulses(prim_paths_a=prim_paths_a, prim_paths_b=prim_paths_b))
    return self._CONTACT_CACHE[key].item()


Initializes the rigid contact view. Note: Can only be done when sim is playing!

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def initialize_view(self):
    Initializes the rigid contact view. Note: Can only be done when sim is playing!
    assert og.sim.is_playing(), "Cannot create rigid contact view while sim is not playing!"

    # Compile deterministic mapping from rigid body path to idx
    # Note that omni's ordering is based on the top-down object ordering path on the USD stage, which coincidentally
    # matches the same ordering we store objects in our registry. So the mapping we generate from our registry
    # mapping aligns with omni's ordering!
    column_filters = self.get_column_filters()
    for scene_idx, filters in column_filters.items():
        self._PATH_TO_COL_IDX[scene_idx] = dict()
        for i, link_path in enumerate(filters):
            self._PATH_TO_COL_IDX[scene_idx][link_path] = i
            self._PATH_TO_SCENE_IDX[link_path] = scene_idx

    # If there are no valid objects, clear the view and terminate early
    if len(column_filters) == 0:
        self._CONTACT_VIEW = dict()

    # Get the row filters too
    row_filters = self.get_row_filters()

    # Generate rigid body view, making sure to update the simulation first (without physics) so that the physx
    # backend is synchronized with any newly added objects
    # We also suppress the omni tensor plugin from giving warnings we expect
    og.sim.pi.update_simulation(elapsedStep=0, currentTime=og.sim.current_time)
    with suppress_omni_log(channels=["omni.physx.tensors.plugin"]):
        for scene_idx, _ in enumerate(og.sim.scenes):
            # TODO: How to make this work with the floor plane?
            # If there are no collidable objects in the scene, skip.
            if len(column_filters[scene_idx]) == 0:

            self._CONTACT_VIEW[scene_idx] = og.sim.physics_sim_view.create_rigid_contact_view(

            self._PATH_TO_ROW_IDX[scene_idx] = {
                path: i for i, path in enumerate(self._CONTACT_VIEW[scene_idx].sensor_paths)

            self._ROW_IDX_TO_PATH[scene_idx] = list(self._PATH_TO_ROW_IDX[scene_idx].keys())
            self._COL_IDX_TO_PATH[scene_idx] = list(self._PATH_TO_COL_IDX[scene_idx].keys())

absolute_prim_path_to_scene_relative(scene, absolute_prim_path)

Converts an absolute prim path to a scene-relative prim path.


Name Type Description Default
scene Scene

Scene object that the prim is in. None if it's global.

absolute_prim_path str

Absolute prim path in the stage



Type Description

Relative prim path in the scene

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def absolute_prim_path_to_scene_relative(scene, absolute_prim_path):
    Converts an absolute prim path to a scene-relative prim path.

        scene (Scene): Scene object that the prim is in. None if it's global.
        absolute_prim_path (str): Absolute prim path in the stage

        str: Relative prim path in the scene
    # Special case for OmniGraph prims
    if absolute_prim_path.startswith("/OmniGraph"):
        return absolute_prim_path

    assert absolute_prim_path.startswith("/World"), f"Expected absolute prim path, got {absolute_prim_path}"

    # When the scene is set to None, this prim is not in a scene but is global e.g. like the
    # viewer camera or one of the scene prims.
    if scene is None:
        assert not absolute_prim_path.startswith(
        ), f"Expected global prim path, got {absolute_prim_path}"
        return absolute_prim_path[len("/World") :]

    return absolute_prim_path[len(scene.prim_path) :]

add_asset_to_stage(asset_path, prim_path)

Adds asset file (either USD or OBJ) at @asset_path at the location @prim_path


Name Type Description Default
asset_path str

Absolute or relative path to the asset file to load

prim_path str

Where loaded asset should exist on the stage



Type Description

Loaded prim as a USD prim

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def add_asset_to_stage(asset_path, prim_path):
    Adds asset file (either USD or OBJ) at @asset_path at the location @prim_path

        asset_path (str): Absolute or relative path to the asset file to load
        prim_path (str): Where loaded asset should exist on the stage

        Usd.Prim: Loaded prim as a USD prim
    # Make sure this is actually a supported asset type
    assert asset_path[-4:].lower() in {".usd", ".obj"}, f"Cannot load a non-USD or non-OBJ file as a USD prim!"
    asset_type = asset_path[-3:]

    # Make sure the path exists
    assert os.path.exists(asset_path), f"Cannot load {asset_type.upper()} file {asset_path} because it does not exist!"

    # Add reference to stage and grab prim
    lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.stage.add_reference_to_stage(usd_path=asset_path, prim_path=prim_path)
    prim = lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_at_path(prim_path)

    # Make sure prim was loaded correctly
    assert prim, f"Failed to load {asset_type.upper()} object from path: {asset_path}"

    return prim

array_to_vtarray(arr, element_type)

Converts array @arr into a Vt-typed array, where each individual element of type @element_type.


Name Type Description Default
arr n - array

An array of values. Can be, e.g., a list, or numpy array

element_type type

Per-element type to convert the elements from @arr into. Valid options are keys of GF_TO_VT_MAPPING



Type Description

Vt-typed array, of specified type corresponding to @element_type

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def array_to_vtarray(arr, element_type):
    Converts array @arr into a Vt-typed array, where each individual element of type @element_type.

        arr (n-array): An array of values. Can be, e.g., a list, or numpy array
        element_type (type): Per-element type to convert the elements from @arr into.
            Valid options are keys of GF_TO_VT_MAPPING

        Vt.Array: Vt-typed array, of specified type corresponding to @element_type
        lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec3d: lazy.pxr.Vt.Vec3dArray,
        lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec3f: lazy.pxr.Vt.Vec3fArray,
        lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec3h: lazy.pxr.Vt.Vec3hArray,
        lazy.pxr.Gf.Quatd: lazy.pxr.Vt.QuatdArray,
        lazy.pxr.Gf.Quatf: lazy.pxr.Vt.QuatfArray,
        lazy.pxr.Gf.Quath: lazy.pxr.Vt.QuathArray,
        int: lazy.pxr.Vt.IntArray,
        float: lazy.pxr.Vt.FloatArray,
        bool: lazy.pxr.Vt.BoolArray,
        str: lazy.pxr.Vt.StringArray,
        chr: lazy.pxr.Vt.CharArray,

    # Make sure array type is valid
    assert_valid_key(key=element_type, valid_keys=GF_TO_VT_MAPPING, name="array element type")

    # Construct list of values
    arr_list = []

    # Check first to see if elements are vectors or not. If this is an iterable value that is not a string,
    # then this is a vector and we have to map it to the correct type via *
    is_vec_element = (isinstance(arr[0], Iterable)) and (not isinstance(arr[0], str))

    # Loop over array and set values
    for ele in arr:
        arr_list.append(element_type(*ele) if is_vec_element else ele)

    return GF_TO_VT_MAPPING[element_type](arr_list)

check_extent_radius_ratio(geom_prim, com)

Checks if the min extent in world frame and the extent radius ratio in local frame of @geom_prim is within the acceptable range for PhysX GPU acceleration (not too thin, and not too oblong)



Name Type Description Default
geom_prim GeomPrim

Geom prim to check

com tensor

Center of mass of the mesh. Obtained from get_mesh_volume_and_com



Type Description

True if the min extent (world) and the extent radius ratio (local frame) is acceptable, False otherwise

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def check_extent_radius_ratio(geom_prim, com):
    Checks if the min extent in world frame and the extent radius ratio in local frame of @geom_prim is within the
    acceptable range for PhysX GPU acceleration (not too thin, and not too oblong)


        geom_prim (GeomPrim): Geom prim to check
        com (th.tensor): Center of mass of the mesh. Obtained from get_mesh_volume_and_com

        bool: True if the min extent (world) and the extent radius ratio (local frame) is acceptable, False otherwise
    mesh_type = geom_prim.prim.GetPrimTypeInfo().GetTypeName()
    # Non-mesh prims are always considered to be within the acceptable range
    if mesh_type != "Mesh":
        return True

    extent = geom_prim.extent
    min_extent = extent.min()
    # If the mesh is too flat in the world frame, omniverse cannot create convex mesh for it
    if min_extent < 1e-5:
        return False

    max_radius = extent.max() / 2.0
    min_radius = th.min(th.norm(geom_prim.points - com, dim=-1), dim=0).values
    ratio = max_radius / min_radius

    # PhysX requires ratio to be < 100.0. We use 95.0 to be safe.
    return ratio < 95.0


Clear state tied to singleton classes

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def clear():
    Clear state tied to singleton classes

create_joint(prim_path, joint_type, body0=None, body1=None, enabled=True, exclude_from_articulation=False, joint_frame_in_parent_frame_pos=None, joint_frame_in_parent_frame_quat=None, joint_frame_in_child_frame_pos=None, joint_frame_in_child_frame_quat=None, break_force=None, break_torque=None)

Creates a joint between @body0 and @body1 of specified type @joint_type


Name Type Description Default
prim_path str

absolute path to where the joint will be created

joint_type str or JointType

type of joint to create. Valid options are: "FixedJoint", "Joint", "PrismaticJoint", "RevoluteJoint", "SphericalJoint" (equivalently, one of JointType)

body0 str or None

absolute path to the first body's prim. At least @body0 or @body1 must be specified.

body1 str or None

absolute path to the second body's prim. At least @body0 or @body1 must be specified.

enabled bool

whether to enable this joint or not.

exclude_from_articulation bool

whether to exclude this joint from the articulation or not.

joint_frame_in_parent_frame_pos tensor or None

relative position of the joint frame to the parent frame (body0).

joint_frame_in_parent_frame_quat tensor or None

relative orientation of the joint frame to the parent frame (body0).

joint_frame_in_child_frame_pos tensor or None

relative position of the joint frame to the child frame (body1).

joint_frame_in_child_frame_quat tensor or None

relative orientation of the joint frame to the child frame (body1).

break_force float or None

break force for linear dofs, unit is Newton.

break_torque float or None

break torque for angular dofs, unit is Newton-meter.



Type Description

Created joint prim

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def create_joint(
    Creates a joint between @body0 and @body1 of specified type @joint_type

        prim_path (str): absolute path to where the joint will be created
        joint_type (str or JointType): type of joint to create. Valid options are:
            "FixedJoint", "Joint", "PrismaticJoint", "RevoluteJoint", "SphericalJoint"
                        (equivalently, one of JointType)
        body0 (str or None): absolute path to the first body's prim. At least @body0 or @body1 must be specified.
        body1 (str or None): absolute path to the second body's prim. At least @body0 or @body1 must be specified.
        enabled (bool): whether to enable this joint or not.
        exclude_from_articulation (bool): whether to exclude this joint from the articulation or not.
        joint_frame_in_parent_frame_pos (th.tensor or None): relative position of the joint frame to the parent frame (body0).
        joint_frame_in_parent_frame_quat (th.tensor or None): relative orientation of the joint frame to the parent frame (body0).
        joint_frame_in_child_frame_pos (th.tensor or None): relative position of the joint frame to the child frame (body1).
        joint_frame_in_child_frame_quat (th.tensor or None): relative orientation of the joint frame to the child frame (body1).
        break_force (float or None): break force for linear dofs, unit is Newton.
        break_torque (float or None): break torque for angular dofs, unit is Newton-meter.

        Usd.Prim: Created joint prim
    # Make sure we have valid joint_type
    assert JointType.is_valid(joint_type=joint_type), f"Invalid joint specified for creation: {joint_type}"

    # Make sure at least body0 or body1 is specified
    assert (
        body0 is not None or body1 is not None
    ), f"At least either body0 or body1 must be specified when creating a joint!"

    # Create the joint
    joint = getattr(lazy.pxr.UsdPhysics, joint_type).Define(og.sim.stage, prim_path)

    # Possibly add body0, body1 targets
    if body0 is not None:
        assert lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.is_prim_path_valid(body0), f"Invalid body0 path specified: {body0}"
    if body1 is not None:
        assert lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.is_prim_path_valid(body1), f"Invalid body1 path specified: {body1}"

    # Get the prim pointed to at this path
    joint_prim = lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_at_path(prim_path)

    # Apply joint API interface

    # We need to step rendering once to auto-fill the local pose before overwriting it.
    # Note that for some reason, if multi_gpu is used, this line will crash if create_joint is called during on_contact
    # callback, e.g. when an attachment joint is being created due to contacts.

    if joint_frame_in_parent_frame_pos is not None:
    if joint_frame_in_parent_frame_quat is not None:
            lazy.pxr.Gf.Quatf(*joint_frame_in_parent_frame_quat[[3, 0, 1, 2]].tolist())
    if joint_frame_in_child_frame_pos is not None:
    if joint_frame_in_child_frame_quat is not None:
            lazy.pxr.Gf.Quatf(*joint_frame_in_child_frame_quat[[3, 0, 1, 2]].tolist())

    if break_force is not None:
    if break_torque is not None:

    # Possibly (un-/)enable this joint

    # Possibly exclude this joint from the articulation

    # We update the simulation now without stepping physics if sim is playing so we can bypass the snapping warning from PhysicsUSD
    if og.sim.is_playing():
        with suppress_omni_log(channels=["omni.physx.plugin"]):
            og.sim.pi.update_simulation(elapsedStep=0, currentTime=og.sim.current_time)

    # Return this joint
    return joint_prim

create_mesh_prim_with_default_xform(primitive_type, prim_path, u_patches=None, v_patches=None, stage=None)

Creates a mesh prim of the specified @primitive_type at the specified @prim_path


Name Type Description Default
primitive_type str

Primitive mesh type, should be one of PRIMITIVE_MESH_TYPES to be valid

prim_path str

Destination prim path to store the mesh prim

u_patches int or None

If specified, should be an integer that represents how many segments to create in the u-direction. E.g. 10 means 10 segments (and therefore 11 vertices) will be created.

v_patches int or None

If specified, should be an integer that represents how many segments to create in the v-direction. E.g. 10 means 10 segments (and therefore 11 vertices) will be created. Both u_patches and v_patches need to be specified for them to be effective.

stage None or Stage

If specified, stage on which the primitive mesh should be generated. If None, will use og.sim.stage

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def create_mesh_prim_with_default_xform(primitive_type, prim_path, u_patches=None, v_patches=None, stage=None):
    Creates a mesh prim of the specified @primitive_type at the specified @prim_path

        primitive_type (str): Primitive mesh type, should be one of PRIMITIVE_MESH_TYPES to be valid
        prim_path (str): Destination prim path to store the mesh prim
        u_patches (int or None): If specified, should be an integer that represents how many segments to create in the
            u-direction. E.g. 10 means 10 segments (and therefore 11 vertices) will be created.
        v_patches (int or None): If specified, should be an integer that represents how many segments to create in the
            v-direction. E.g. 10 means 10 segments (and therefore 11 vertices) will be created.
            Both u_patches and v_patches need to be specified for them to be effective.
        stage (None or Usd.Stage): If specified, stage on which the primitive mesh should be generated. If None, will
            use og.sim.stage
        "Sphere": lazy.omni.kit.primitive.mesh.evaluators.sphere.SphereEvaluator,
        "Disk": lazy.omni.kit.primitive.mesh.evaluators.disk.DiskEvaluator,
        "Plane": lazy.omni.kit.primitive.mesh.evaluators.plane.PlaneEvaluator,
        "Cylinder": lazy.omni.kit.primitive.mesh.evaluators.cylinder.CylinderEvaluator,
        "Torus": lazy.omni.kit.primitive.mesh.evaluators.torus.TorusEvaluator,
        "Cone": lazy.omni.kit.primitive.mesh.evaluators.cone.ConeEvaluator,
        "Cube": lazy.omni.kit.primitive.mesh.evaluators.cube.CubeEvaluator,

    assert primitive_type in PRIMITIVE_MESH_TYPES, "Invalid primitive mesh type: {primitive_type}"
    evaluator = MESH_PRIM_TYPE_TO_EVALUATOR_MAPPING[primitive_type]
    u_backup = lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().get(evaluator.SETTING_U_SCALE)
    v_backup = lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().get(evaluator.SETTING_V_SCALE)
    hs_backup = lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().get(evaluator.SETTING_OBJECT_HALF_SCALE)
    lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set(evaluator.SETTING_U_SCALE, 1)
    lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set(evaluator.SETTING_V_SCALE, 1)
    stage = og.sim.stage if stage is None else stage

    # Default half_scale (i.e. half-extent, half_height, radius) is 1.
    # TODO (eric): change it to 0.5 once the mesh generator API accepts floating-number HALF_SCALE
    #  (currently it only accepts integer-number and floors 0.5 into 0).
    lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set(evaluator.SETTING_OBJECT_HALF_SCALE, 1)
    kwargs = dict(prim_type=primitive_type, prim_path=prim_path, stage=stage)
    if u_patches is not None and v_patches is not None:
        kwargs["u_patches"] = u_patches
        kwargs["v_patches"] = v_patches

    # Import now to avoid too-eager load of Omni classes due to inheritance
    from omnigibson.utils.deprecated_utils import CreateMeshPrimWithDefaultXformCommand


    lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set(evaluator.SETTING_U_SCALE, u_backup)
    lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set(evaluator.SETTING_V_SCALE, v_backup)
    lazy.carb.settings.get_settings().set(evaluator.SETTING_OBJECT_HALF_SCALE, hs_backup)

create_primitive_mesh(prim_path, primitive_type, extents=1.0, u_patches=None, v_patches=None, stage=None)

Helper function that generates a UsdGeom.Mesh prim at specified @prim_path of type @primitive_type.

NOTE: Generated mesh prim will, by default, have extents equaling [1, 1, 1]


Name Type Description Default
prim_path str

Where the loaded mesh should exist on the stage

primitive_type str

Type of primitive mesh to create. Should be one of:

extents float or 3 - array

Specifies the extents of the generated mesh. Default is 1.0, i.e.: generated mesh will be in be contained in a [1,1,1] sized bounding box

u_patches int or None

If specified, should be an integer that represents how many segments to create in the u-direction. E.g. 10 means 10 segments (and therefore 11 vertices) will be created.

v_patches int or None

If specified, should be an integer that represents how many segments to create in the v-direction. E.g. 10 means 10 segments (and therefore 11 vertices) will be created. Both u_patches and v_patches need to be specified for them to be effective.

stage None or Stage

If specified, stage on which the primitive mesh should be generated. If None, will use og.sim.stage



Type Description

Generated primitive mesh as a prim on the active stage

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def create_primitive_mesh(prim_path, primitive_type, extents=1.0, u_patches=None, v_patches=None, stage=None):
    Helper function that generates a UsdGeom.Mesh prim at specified @prim_path of type @primitive_type.

    NOTE: Generated mesh prim will, by default, have extents equaling [1, 1, 1]

        prim_path (str): Where the loaded mesh should exist on the stage
        primitive_type (str): Type of primitive mesh to create. Should be one of:
            {"Cone", "Cube", "Cylinder", "Disk", "Plane", "Sphere", "Torus"}
        extents (float or 3-array): Specifies the extents of the generated mesh. Default is 1.0, i.e.:
            generated mesh will be in be contained in a [1,1,1] sized bounding box
        u_patches (int or None): If specified, should be an integer that represents how many segments to create in the
            u-direction. E.g. 10 means 10 segments (and therefore 11 vertices) will be created.
        v_patches (int or None): If specified, should be an integer that represents how many segments to create in the
            v-direction. E.g. 10 means 10 segments (and therefore 11 vertices) will be created.
            Both u_patches and v_patches need to be specified for them to be effective.
        stage (None or Usd.Stage): If specified, stage on which the primitive mesh should be generated. If None, will
            use og.sim.stage

        UsdGeom.Mesh: Generated primitive mesh as a prim on the active stage
    assert_valid_key(key=primitive_type, valid_keys=PRIMITIVE_MESH_TYPES, name="primitive mesh type")
        primitive_type, prim_path, u_patches=u_patches, v_patches=v_patches, stage=stage
    mesh = lazy.pxr.UsdGeom.Mesh.Define(og.sim.stage if stage is None else stage, prim_path)

    # Modify the points and normals attributes so that total extents is the desired
    # This means multiplying omni's default by extents * 50.0, as the native mesh generated has extents [-0.01, 0.01]
    # -- i.e.: 2cm-wide mesh
    extents = th.ones(3) * extents if isinstance(extents, float) else th.tensor(extents)
    for attr in (mesh.GetPointsAttr(), mesh.GetNormalsAttr()):
        vals = th.tensor(attr.Get()).double()
        attr.Set(lazy.pxr.Vt.Vec3fArray([lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec3f(*(val * extents * 50.0).tolist()) for val in vals]))
            [lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec3f(*(-extents / 2.0).tolist()), lazy.pxr.Gf.Vec3f(*(extents / 2.0).tolist())]

    # Modify values so that all faces are triangular
    tm = mesh_prim_to_trimesh_mesh(mesh.GetPrim())
    face_vertex_counts = np.array([len(face) for face in tm.faces], dtype=int)

    return mesh


Attept to delete or deactivate the prim defined at @prim_path.


Name Type Description Default
prim_path str

Path defining which prim should be deleted or deactivated



Type Description

Whether the operation was successful or not

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def delete_or_deactivate_prim(prim_path):
    Attept to delete or deactivate the prim defined at @prim_path.

        prim_path (str): Path defining which prim should be deleted or deactivated

        bool: Whether the operation was successful or not
    if not lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.is_prim_path_valid(prim_path):
        return False
    if lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.is_prim_no_delete(prim_path):
        return False
    if lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_type_name(prim_path=prim_path) == "PhysicsScene":
        return False
    if prim_path == "/World":
        return False
    if prim_path == "/":
        return False
    # Don't remove any /Render prims as that can cause crashes
    if prim_path.startswith("/Render"):
        return False

    # If the prim is not ancestral, we can delete it.
    if not lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.is_prim_ancestral(prim_path):
        lazy.omni.usd.commands.DeletePrimsCommand([prim_path], destructive=True).do()

    # Otherwise, we can only deactivate it, which essentially serves the same purpose.
    # All objects that are originally in the scene are ancestral because we add the pre-build scene to the stage.
        lazy.omni.usd.commands.DeletePrimsCommand([prim_path], destructive=False).do()

    return True

get_mesh_volume_and_com(mesh_prim, world_frame=False)

Computes the volume and center of mass for @mesh_prim


Name Type Description Default
mesh_prim Prim

Mesh prim to compute volume and center of mass for

world_frame bool

Whether to return the volume and CoM in the world frame



Type Description
Tuple[float, tensor]

Tuple containing the (volume, center_of_mass) in the mesh frame or the world frame

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_mesh_volume_and_com(mesh_prim, world_frame=False):
    Computes the volume and center of mass for @mesh_prim

        mesh_prim (Usd.Prim): Mesh prim to compute volume and center of mass for
        world_frame (bool): Whether to return the volume and CoM in the world frame

        Tuple[float, th.tensor]: Tuple containing the (volume, center_of_mass) in the mesh frame or the world frame

    trimesh_mesh = mesh_prim_to_trimesh_mesh(
        mesh_prim, include_normals=False, include_texcoord=False, world_frame=world_frame
    if trimesh_mesh.is_volume:
        volume = trimesh_mesh.volume
        com = th.tensor(trimesh_mesh.center_mass)
        # If the mesh is not a volume, we compute its convex hull and use that instead
            trimesh_mesh_convex = trimesh_mesh.convex_hull
            volume = trimesh_mesh_convex.volume
            com = th.tensor(trimesh_mesh_convex.center_mass)
            # if convex hull computation fails, it usually means the mesh is degenerated: use trivial values.
            volume = 0.0
            com = th.zeros(3)

    return volume,


Grabs all nested prims starting from root @prim via depth-first-search


Name Type Description Default
prim Prim

root prim from which to search for nested children prims



Type Description
list of Usd.Prim

nested prims

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_prim_nested_children(prim):
    Grabs all nested prims starting from root @prim via depth-first-search

        prim (Usd.Prim): root prim from which to search for nested children prims

        list of Usd.Prim: nested prims
    prims = []
    for child in lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_children(prim):
        prims += get_prim_nested_children(prim=child)

    return prims



Type Description

Active world prim in the current stage

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def get_world_prim():
        Usd.Prim: Active world prim in the current stage
    return lazy.omni.isaac.core.utils.prims.get_prim_at_path("/World")

mesh_prim_mesh_to_trimesh_mesh(mesh_prim, include_normals=True, include_texcoord=True)

Generates trimesh mesh from @mesh_prim if mesh_type is "Mesh"


Name Type Description Default
mesh_prim Prim

Mesh prim to convert into trimesh mesh

include_normals bool

Whether to include the normals in the resulting trimesh or not

include_texcoord bool

Whether to include the corresponding 2D-texture coordinates in the resulting trimesh or not



Type Description

Generated trimesh mesh

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def mesh_prim_mesh_to_trimesh_mesh(mesh_prim, include_normals=True, include_texcoord=True):
    Generates trimesh mesh from @mesh_prim if mesh_type is "Mesh"

        mesh_prim (Usd.Prim): Mesh prim to convert into trimesh mesh
        include_normals (bool): Whether to include the normals in the resulting trimesh or not
        include_texcoord (bool): Whether to include the corresponding 2D-texture coordinates in the resulting
            trimesh or not

        trimesh.Trimesh: Generated trimesh mesh
    mesh_type = mesh_prim.GetPrimTypeInfo().GetTypeName()
    assert mesh_type == "Mesh", f"Expected mesh prim to have type Mesh, got {mesh_type}"
    face_vertex_counts = vtarray_to_torch(mesh_prim.GetAttribute("faceVertexCounts").Get(),
    vertices = vtarray_to_torch(mesh_prim.GetAttribute("points").Get())
    face_indices = vtarray_to_torch(mesh_prim.GetAttribute("faceVertexIndices").Get(),

    faces = []
    i = 0
    for count in face_vertex_counts:
        for j in range(count - 2):
            faces.append([face_indices[i], face_indices[i + j + 1], face_indices[i + j + 2]])
        i += count

    kwargs = dict(vertices=vertices, faces=faces)

    if include_normals:
        kwargs["vertex_normals"] = vtarray_to_torch(mesh_prim.GetAttribute("normals").Get())

    if include_texcoord:
        raw_texture = mesh_prim.GetAttribute("primvars:st").Get()
        if raw_texture is not None:
            kwargs["visual"] = trimesh.visual.TextureVisuals(uv=vtarray_to_torch(raw_texture))

    return trimesh.Trimesh(**kwargs)


Generates trimesh mesh from @mesh_prim if mesh_type is "Sphere", "Cube", "Cone" or "Cylinder"


Name Type Description Default
mesh_prim Prim

Mesh prim to convert into trimesh mesh



Type Description

Generated trimesh mesh

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def mesh_prim_shape_to_trimesh_mesh(mesh_prim):
    Generates trimesh mesh from @mesh_prim if mesh_type is "Sphere", "Cube", "Cone" or "Cylinder"

        mesh_prim (Usd.Prim): Mesh prim to convert into trimesh mesh

        trimesh.Trimesh: Generated trimesh mesh
    mesh_type = mesh_prim.GetPrimTypeInfo().GetTypeName()
    if mesh_type == "Sphere":
        radius = mesh_prim.GetAttribute("radius").Get()
        trimesh_mesh = trimesh.creation.icosphere(subdivision=3, radius=radius)
    elif mesh_type == "Cube":
        extent = mesh_prim.GetAttribute("size").Get()
        trimesh_mesh =[extent] * 3)
    elif mesh_type == "Cone":
        radius = mesh_prim.GetAttribute("radius").Get()
        height = mesh_prim.GetAttribute("height").Get()
        trimesh_mesh = trimesh.creation.cone(radius=radius, height=height)
        # Trimesh cones are centered at the base. We'll move them down by half the height.
        transform = trimesh.transformations.translation_matrix([0, 0, -height / 2])
    elif mesh_type == "Cylinder":
        radius = mesh_prim.GetAttribute("radius").Get()
        height = mesh_prim.GetAttribute("height").Get()
        trimesh_mesh = trimesh.creation.cylinder(radius=radius, height=height)
        raise ValueError(f"Expected mesh prim to have type Sphere, Cube, Cone or Cylinder, got {mesh_type}")

    return trimesh_mesh

mesh_prim_to_trimesh_mesh(mesh_prim, include_normals=True, include_texcoord=True, world_frame=False)

Generates trimesh mesh from @mesh_prim


Name Type Description Default
mesh_prim Prim

Mesh prim to convert into trimesh mesh

include_normals bool

Whether to include the normals in the resulting trimesh or not

include_texcoord bool

Whether to include the corresponding 2D-texture coordinates in the resulting trimesh or not

world_frame bool

Whether to convert the mesh to the world frame or not



Type Description

Generated trimesh mesh

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def mesh_prim_to_trimesh_mesh(mesh_prim, include_normals=True, include_texcoord=True, world_frame=False):
    Generates trimesh mesh from @mesh_prim

        mesh_prim (Usd.Prim): Mesh prim to convert into trimesh mesh
        include_normals (bool): Whether to include the normals in the resulting trimesh or not
        include_texcoord (bool): Whether to include the corresponding 2D-texture coordinates in the resulting
            trimesh or not
        world_frame (bool): Whether to convert the mesh to the world frame or not

        trimesh.Trimesh: Generated trimesh mesh
    mesh_type = mesh_prim.GetTypeName()
    if mesh_type == "Mesh":
        trimesh_mesh = mesh_prim_mesh_to_trimesh_mesh(mesh_prim, include_normals, include_texcoord)
        trimesh_mesh = mesh_prim_shape_to_trimesh_mesh(mesh_prim)

    if world_frame:

    return trimesh_mesh

sample_mesh_keypoints(mesh_prim, n_keypoints, n_keyfaces, seed=None)

Samples keypoints and keyfaces for mesh @mesh_prim


Name Type Description Default
mesh_prim Prim

Mesh prim to be sampled from

n_keypoints int

number of (unique) keypoints to randomly sample from @mesh_prim

n_keyfaces int

number of (unique) keyfaces to randomly sample from @mesh_prim

seed None or int

If set, sets the random seed for deterministic results



Type Description
2 - tuple
  • n-array: (n,) 1D int array representing the randomly sampled point idxs from @mesh_prim. Note that since this is without replacement, the total length of the array may be less than @n_keypoints
  • None or n-array: 1D int array representing the randomly sampled face idxs from @mesh_prim. Note that since this is without replacement, the total length of the array may be less than @n_keyfaces
Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def sample_mesh_keypoints(mesh_prim, n_keypoints, n_keyfaces, seed=None):
    Samples keypoints and keyfaces for mesh @mesh_prim

        mesh_prim (Usd.Prim): Mesh prim to be sampled from
        n_keypoints (int): number of (unique) keypoints to randomly sample from @mesh_prim
        n_keyfaces (int): number of (unique) keyfaces to randomly sample from @mesh_prim
        seed (None or int): If set, sets the random seed for deterministic results

            - n-array: (n,) 1D int array representing the randomly sampled point idxs from @mesh_prim.
                Note that since this is without replacement, the total length of the array may be less than
            - None or n-array: 1D int array representing the randomly sampled face idxs from @mesh_prim.
                Note that since this is without replacement, the total length of the array may be less than
    # Set seed if deterministic
    if seed is not None:

    # Generate trimesh mesh from which to aggregate points
    tm = mesh_prim_mesh_to_trimesh_mesh(mesh_prim=mesh_prim, include_normals=False, include_texcoord=False)
    n_unique_vertices, n_unique_faces = len(tm.vertices), len(tm.faces)
    faces_flat = th.tensor(tm.faces.flatten(), dtype=th.int32)

    # Sample vertices
    unique_vertices = th.unique(faces_flat)
    assert len(unique_vertices) == n_unique_vertices
    keypoint_idx = (
        th.randperm(len(unique_vertices))[:n_keypoints] if n_unique_vertices > n_keypoints else unique_vertices

    # Sample faces
    keyface_idx = th.randperm(n_unique_faces)[:n_keyfaces] if n_unique_faces > n_keyfaces else th.arange(n_unique_faces)

    return keypoint_idx, keyface_idx

scene_relative_prim_path_to_absolute(scene, relative_prim_path)

Converts a scene-relative prim path to an absolute prim path.


Name Type Description Default
scene Scene or None

Scene object that the prim is in. None if it's global.

relative_prim_path str

Relative prim path in the scene



Type Description

Absolute prim path in the stage

Source code in omnigibson/utils/
def scene_relative_prim_path_to_absolute(scene, relative_prim_path):
    Converts a scene-relative prim path to an absolute prim path.

        scene (Scene or None): Scene object that the prim is in. None if it's global.
        relative_prim_path (str): Relative prim path in the scene

        str: Absolute prim path in the stage
    # Special case for OmniGraph prims
    if relative_prim_path.startswith("/OmniGraph"):
        return relative_prim_path

    # Make sure the relative path is actually relative
    assert not relative_prim_path.startswith("/World"), f"Expected relative prim path, got {relative_prim_path}"

    # When the scene is set to None, this prim is not in a scene but is global e.g. like the
    # viewer camera or one of the scene prims.
    if scene is None:
        return "/World" + relative_prim_path

    return scene.prim_path + relative_prim_path