class BDDLSampler:
def __init__(self, env, activity_conditions, object_scope, backend):
# Avoid circular imports here
from omnigibson.scenes.traversable_scene import TraversableScene
# Store internal variables from inputs
self._env = env
self._scene_model = self._env.scene.scene_model if isinstance(self._env.scene, TraversableScene) else None
self._agent = self._env.robots[0]
self._backend = backend
self._activity_conditions = activity_conditions
self._object_scope = object_scope
self._object_instance_to_synset = {
obj_inst: obj_cat
for obj_cat in self._activity_conditions.parsed_objects
for obj_inst in self._activity_conditions.parsed_objects[obj_cat]
self._substance_instances = {
for obj_inst in self._object_scope.keys()
if is_substance_synset(self._object_instance_to_synset[obj_inst])
# Initialize other variables that will be filled in later
self._room_type_to_object_instance = None # dict
self._inroom_object_instances = None # set of str
self._object_sampling_orders = None # dict mapping str to list of str
self._sampled_objects = None # set of BaseObject
self._future_obj_instances = None # set of str
self._inroom_object_conditions = None # list of (condition, positive) tuple
self._inroom_object_scope_filtered_initial = None # dict mapping str to BDDLEntity
self._attached_objects = defaultdict(set) # dict mapping str to set of str
def sample(self, validate_goal=False):
Run sampling for this BEHAVIOR task
validate_goal (bool): Whether the goal should be validated or not
- bool: Whether sampling was successful or not
- None or str: None if successful, otherwise the associated error message
""""Sampling task...")
# Reject scenes with missing non-sampleable objects
# Populate object_scope with sampleable objects and the robot
accept_scene, feedback = self._prepare_scene_for_sampling()
if not accept_scene:
return accept_scene, feedback
# Sample objects to satisfy initial conditions
accept_scene, feedback = self._sample_all_conditions(validate_goal=validate_goal)
if not accept_scene:
return accept_scene, feedback"Sampling succeeded!")
return True, None
def _sample_all_conditions(self, validate_goal=False):
Run sampling for this BEHAVIOR task
validate_goal (bool): Whether the goal should be validated or not
- bool: Whether sampling was successful or not
- None or str: None if successful, otherwise the associated error message
# Auto-initialize all sampleable objects
with og.sim.playing():
error_msg = self._sample_initial_conditions()
if error_msg:
return False, error_msg
if validate_goal:
error_msg = self._sample_goal_conditions()
if error_msg:
return False, error_msg
error_msg = self._sample_initial_conditions_final()
if error_msg:
return False, error_msg
return True, None
def _prepare_scene_for_sampling(self):
Runs sanity checks for the current scene for the given BEHAVIOR task
- bool: Whether the generated scene activity should be accepted or not
- dict: Any feedback from the sampling / initialization process
error_msg = self._parse_inroom_object_room_assignment()
if error_msg:
return False, error_msg
error_msg = self._parse_attached_states()
if error_msg:
return False, error_msg
error_msg = self._build_sampling_order()
if error_msg:
return False, error_msg
error_msg = self._build_inroom_object_scope()
if error_msg:
return False, error_msg
error_msg = self._import_sampleable_objects()
if error_msg:
return False, error_msg
self._object_scope["agent.n.01_1"] = BDDLEntity(bddl_inst="agent.n.01_1", entity=self._agent)
return True, None
def _parse_inroom_object_room_assignment(self):
Infers which rooms each object is assigned to
self._room_type_to_object_instance = dict()
self._inroom_object_instances = set()
for cond in self._activity_conditions.parsed_initial_conditions:
if cond[0] == "inroom":
obj_inst, room_type = cond[1], cond[2]
obj_synset = self._object_instance_to_synset[obj_inst]
abilities = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_abilities(obj_synset)
if "sceneObject" not in abilities:
# Invalid room assignment
return (
f"You have assigned room type for [{obj_synset}], but [{obj_synset}] is sampleable. "
f"Only non-sampleable (scene) objects can have room assignment."
if self._scene_model is not None and room_type not in self._env.scene.seg_map.room_sem_name_to_ins_name:
# Missing room type
return f"Room type [{room_type}] missing in scene [{self._scene_model}]."
if room_type not in self._room_type_to_object_instance:
self._room_type_to_object_instance[room_type] = []
if obj_inst in self._inroom_object_instances:
# Duplicate room assignment
return f"Object [{obj_inst}] has more than one room assignment"
def _parse_attached_states(self):
Infers which objects are attached to which other objects.
If a category-level attachment is specified, it will be expanded to all instances of that category.
E.g. if the goal condition requires corks to be attached to bottles, every cork needs to be able to
attach to every bottle.
for cond in self._activity_conditions.parsed_initial_conditions:
if cond[0] == "attached":
obj_inst, parent_inst = cond[1], cond[2]
if obj_inst not in self._object_scope or parent_inst not in self._object_scope:
return f"Object [{obj_inst}] or parent [{parent_inst}] in attached initial condition not found in object scope"
ground_attached_conditions = []
conditions_to_check = self._activity_conditions.parsed_goal_conditions.copy()
while conditions_to_check:
new_conditions_to_check = []
for cond in conditions_to_check:
if cond[0] == "attached":
new_conditions_to_check.extend([ele for ele in cond if isinstance(ele, list)])
conditions_to_check = new_conditions_to_check
for cond in ground_attached_conditions:
obj_inst, parent_inst = cond[1].lstrip("?"), cond[2].lstrip("?")
if obj_inst in self._object_scope:
obj_insts = [obj_inst]
elif obj_inst in self._activity_conditions.parsed_objects:
obj_insts = self._activity_conditions.parsed_objects[obj_inst]
return f"Object [{obj_inst}] in attached goal condition not found in object scope or parsed objects"
if parent_inst in self._object_scope:
parent_insts = [parent_inst]
elif parent_inst in self._activity_conditions.parsed_objects:
parent_insts = self._activity_conditions.parsed_objects[parent_inst]
return f"Parent [{parent_inst}] in attached goal condition not found in object scope or parsed objects"
for obj_inst in obj_insts:
for parent_inst in parent_insts:
def _build_sampling_order(self):
Sampling orders is a list of lists: [[batch_1_inst_1, ... batch_1_inst_N], [batch_2_inst_1, batch_2_inst_M], ...]
Sampling should happen for batch 1 first, then batch 2, so on and so forth
Example: OnTop(plate, table) should belong to batch 1, and OnTop(apple, plate) should belong to batch 2
unsampleable_conditions = []
sampling_groups = {group: [] for group in ("kinematic", "particle", "unary")}
self._object_sampling_conditions = {group: [] for group in ("kinematic", "particle", "unary")}
self._object_sampling_orders = {group: [] for group in ("kinematic", "particle", "unary")}
self._inroom_object_conditions = []
# First, sort initial conditions into kinematic, particle and unary groups
# bddl.condition_evaluation.HEAD, each with one child.
# This child is either a ObjectStateUnaryPredicate/ObjectStateBinaryPredicate or
# a Negation of a ObjectStateUnaryPredicate/ObjectStateBinaryPredicate
for condition in get_initial_conditions(self._activity_conditions, self._backend, self._object_scope):
condition, positive = process_single_condition(condition)
if condition is None:
# Sampled conditions must always be positive
# Non-positive (e.g.: NOT onTop) is not restrictive enough for sampling
if condition.STATE_NAME in KINEMATIC_STATES_BDDL and not positive:
return "Initial condition has negative kinematic conditions: {}".format(condition.body)
# Store any unsampleable conditions separately
if isinstance(condition, UnsampleablePredicate):
# Infer the group the condition and its object instances belong to
# (a) Kinematic (binary) conditions, where (ent0, ent1) are both objects
# (b) Particle (binary) conditions, where (ent0, ent1) are (object, substance)
# (d) Unary conditions, where (ent0,) is an object
# Binary conditions have length 2: (ent0, ent1)
if len(condition.body) == 2:
group = "particle" if condition.body[1] in self._substance_instances else "kinematic"
assert len(condition.body) == 1, (
f"Got invalid parsed initial condition; body length should either be 2 or 1. "
f"Got body: {condition.body} for condition: {condition}"
group = "unary"
self._object_sampling_conditions[group].append((condition, positive))
# If the condition involves any non-sampleable object (e.g.: furniture), it's a non-sampleable condition
# This means that there's no ordering constraint in terms of sampling, because we know the, e.g., furniture
# object already exists in the scene and is placed, so these specific conditions can be sampled without
# any dependencies
if len(self._inroom_object_instances.intersection(set(condition.body))) > 0:
self._inroom_object_conditions.append((condition, positive))
# Now, sort each group, ignoring the futures (since they don't get sampled)
# First handle kinematics, then particles, then unary
# Start with the non-sampleable objects as the first sampled set, then infer recursively
cur_batch = self._inroom_object_instances
while len(cur_batch) > 0:
next_batch = set()
for cur_batch_inst in cur_batch:
inst_batch = set()
for condition, _ in self._object_sampling_conditions["kinematic"]:
if condition.body[1] == cur_batch_inst:
if len(inst_batch) > 0:
cur_batch = next_batch
# Now parse particles -- simply unordered, since particle systems shouldn't impact each other
self._object_sampling_orders["particle"].append({cond[0] for cond in sampling_groups["particle"]})
sampled_particle_entities = {cond[1] for cond in sampling_groups["particle"]}
# Finally, parse unaries -- this is simply unordered, since it is assumed that unary predicates do not
# affect each other
self._object_sampling_orders["unary"].append({cond[0] for cond in sampling_groups["unary"]})
# Aggregate future objects and any unsampleable obj instances
# Unsampleable obj instances are strictly a superset of future obj instances
unsampleable_obj_instances = {cond.body[-1] for cond in unsampleable_conditions}
self._future_obj_instances = {
cond.body[0] for cond in unsampleable_conditions if isinstance(cond, ObjectStateFuturePredicate)
nonparticle_entities = set(self._object_scope.keys()) - self._substance_instances
# Sanity check kinematic objects -- any non-system must be kinematically sampled
remaining_kinematic_entities = (
- unsampleable_obj_instances
- self._inroom_object_instances
- set.union(*(self._object_sampling_orders["kinematic"] + [set()]))
# Possibly remove the agent entity if we're in an empty scene -- i.e.: no kinematic sampling needed for the
# agent
if self._scene_model is None:
remaining_kinematic_entities -= {"agent.n.01_1"}
if len(remaining_kinematic_entities) != 0:
return (
f"Some objects do not have any kinematic condition defined for them in the initial conditions: "
f"{', '.join(remaining_kinematic_entities)}"
# Sanity check particle systems -- any non-future system must be sampled as part of particle groups
remaining_particle_entities = self._substance_instances - unsampleable_obj_instances - sampled_particle_entities
if len(remaining_particle_entities) != 0:
return (
f"Some systems do not have any particle condition defined for them in the initial conditions: "
f"{', '.join(remaining_particle_entities)}"
def _build_inroom_object_scope(self):
Store simulator object options for non-sampleable objects in self.inroom_object_scope
"living_room": {
"table1": {
"living_room_0": [URDFObject, URDFObject, URDFObject],
"living_room_1": [URDFObject]
"table2": {
"living_room_0": [URDFObject, URDFObject],
"living_room_1": [URDFObject, URDFObject]
"chair1": {
"living_room_0": [URDFObject],
"living_room_1": [URDFObject]
room_type_to_scene_objs = {}
for room_type in self._room_type_to_object_instance:
room_type_to_scene_objs[room_type] = {}
for obj_inst in self._room_type_to_object_instance[room_type]:
room_type_to_scene_objs[room_type][obj_inst] = {}
obj_synset = self._object_instance_to_synset[obj_inst]
# We allow burners to be used as if they are stoves
# No need to safeguard check for subtree_substances because inroom objects will never be substances
categories = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_subtree_categories(obj_synset)
# Grab all models that fully support all abilities for the corresponding category
valid_models = {
cat: set(
cat, OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_abilities(OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_synset_from_category(cat))
for cat in categories
valid_models = {
cat: (models if cat not in GOOD_MODELS else models.intersection(GOOD_MODELS[cat]))
- BAD_CLOTH_MODELS.get(cat, set())
for cat, models in valid_models.items()
valid_models = {
cat: self._filter_model_choices_by_attached_states(models, cat, obj_inst)
for cat, models in valid_models.items()
room_insts = (
if self._scene_model is None
else self._env.scene.seg_map.room_sem_name_to_ins_name[room_type]
for room_inst in room_insts:
# A list of scene objects that satisfy the requested categories
room_objs = self._env.scene.object_registry("in_rooms", room_inst, default_val=[])
scene_objs = [
for obj in room_objs
if obj.category in categories and obj.model in valid_models[obj.category]
if len(scene_objs) != 0:
room_type_to_scene_objs[room_type][obj_inst][room_inst] = scene_objs
error_msg = self._consolidate_room_instance(room_type_to_scene_objs, "initial_pre-sampling")
if error_msg:
return error_msg
self._inroom_object_scope = room_type_to_scene_objs
def _filter_object_scope(self, input_object_scope, conditions, condition_type):
Filters the object scope based on given @input_object_scope, @conditions, and @condition_type
input_object_scope (dict):
conditions (list): List of conditions to filter scope with, where each list entry is
a tuple of (condition, positive), where @positive is True if the condition has a positive
condition_type (str): What type of condition to sample, e.g., "initial"
- dict: Filtered object scope
- list of str: The name of children object(s) that have the highest proportion of kinematic sampling
filtered_object_scope = {}
# Maps child obj name (SCOPE name) to parent obj name (OBJECT name) to T / F,
# ie: if the kinematic relationship was sampled successfully
problematic_objs = defaultdict(dict)
for room_type in input_object_scope:
filtered_object_scope[room_type] = {}
for scene_obj in input_object_scope[room_type]:
filtered_object_scope[room_type][scene_obj] = {}
for room_inst in input_object_scope[room_type][scene_obj]:
# These are a list of candidate simulator objects that need sampling test
for obj in input_object_scope[room_type][scene_obj][room_inst]:
# Temporarily set object_scope to point to this candidate object
self._object_scope[scene_obj] = BDDLEntity(bddl_inst=scene_obj, entity=obj)
success = True
# If this candidate object is not involved in any conditions,
# success will be True by default and this object will qualify
parent_obj_name =
conditions_to_sample = []
for condition, positive in conditions:
# Sample positive kinematic conditions that involve this candidate object
if (
and positive
and scene_obj in condition.body
child_scope_name = condition.body[0]
entity = self._object_scope[child_scope_name]
conditions_to_sample.append((condition, positive, entity, child_scope_name))
# If we're sampling kinematics, sort children based on (a) whether they are cloth or not, and
# then (b) their AABB, so that first all rigid objects are sampled before all cloth objects,
# and within each group the larger objects are sampled first. This is needed because rigid
# objects currently don't detect collisions with cloth objects (rigid_obj.states[ContactBodies]
# is empty even when a cloth object is in contact with it).
rigid_conditions = [c for c in conditions_to_sample if c[2].prim_type != PrimType.CLOTH]
cloth_conditions = [c for c in conditions_to_sample if c[2].prim_type == PrimType.CLOTH]
conditions_to_sample = list(
reversed(sorted(rigid_conditions, key=lambda x:[2].aabb_extent)))
) + list(reversed(sorted(cloth_conditions, key=lambda x:[2].aabb_extent))))
# Sample!
for condition, positive, entity, child_scope_name in conditions_to_sample:
kwargs = dict()
# Reset if we're sampling a kinematic state
if condition.STATE_NAME in {"inside", "ontop", "under"}:
kwargs["reset_before_sampling"] = True
elif condition.STATE_NAME in {"attached"}:
kwargs["bypass_alignment_checking"] = True
kwargs["check_physics_stability"] = True
kwargs["can_joint_break"] = False
success = condition.sample(binary_state=positive, **kwargs)
log_msg = " ".join(
f"{condition_type} kinematic condition sampling",
# Record the result for the child object
assert (
parent_obj_name not in problematic_objs[child_scope_name]
), f"Multiple kinematic relationships attempted for pair {condition.body}"
problematic_objs[child_scope_name][parent_obj_name] = success
# If any condition fails for this candidate object, skip
if not success:
# If this candidate object fails, move on to the next candidate object
if not success:
if room_inst not in filtered_object_scope[room_type][scene_obj]:
filtered_object_scope[room_type][scene_obj][room_inst] = []
# Compute most problematic objects
if len(problematic_objs) == 0:
max_problematic_objs = []
problematic_objs_by_proportion = defaultdict(list)
for child_scope_name, parent_obj_names in problematic_objs.items():
th.mean(th.tensor(list(parent_obj_names.values()), dtype=th.float32)).item()
max_problematic_objs = problematic_objs_by_proportion[min(problematic_objs_by_proportion.keys())]
return filtered_object_scope, max_problematic_objs
def _consolidate_room_instance(self, filtered_object_scope, condition_type):
Consolidates room instances
filtered_object_scope (dict): Filtered object scope
condition_type (str): What type of condition to sample, e.g., "initial"
None or str: Error message, if any
for room_type in filtered_object_scope:
# For each room_type, filter in room_inst that has successful
# sampling options for all obj_inst in this room_type
room_inst_satisfied = set.intersection(
for obj_inst in filtered_object_scope[room_type]
if len(room_inst_satisfied) == 0:
error_msg = "{}: Room type [{}] of scene [{}] do not contain or cannot sample all the objects needed.\nThe following are the possible room instances for each object, the intersection of which is an empty set.\n".format(
condition_type, room_type, self._scene_model
for obj_inst in filtered_object_scope[room_type]:
error_msg += (
"{}: ".format(obj_inst) + ", ".join(filtered_object_scope[room_type][obj_inst].keys()) + "\n"
return error_msg
for obj_inst in filtered_object_scope[room_type]:
filtered_object_scope[room_type][obj_inst] = {
key: val
for key, val in filtered_object_scope[room_type][obj_inst].items()
if key in room_inst_satisfied
def _filter_model_choices_by_attached_states(self, model_choices, category, obj_inst):
# If obj_inst is a child object that depends on a parent object that has been imported or exists in the scene,
# we filter in only models that match the parent object's attachment metalinks.
if obj_inst in self._attached_objects:
parent_insts = self._attached_objects[obj_inst]
parent_objects = []
for parent_inst in parent_insts:
# If parent_inst is not an inroom object, it must be a non-sampleable object that has already been imported.
# Grab it from the object_scope
if parent_inst not in self._inroom_object_instances:
assert self._object_scope[parent_inst] is not None
# If parent_inst is an inroom object, it can refer to multiple objects in the scene in different rooms.
# We gather all of them and require that the model choice supports attachment to at least one of them.
for _, parent_inst_to_parent_objs in self._inroom_object_scope.items():
if parent_inst in parent_inst_to_parent_objs:
parent_objects.append(sum(parent_inst_to_parent_objs[parent_inst].values(), []))
# Help function to check if a child object can attach to a parent object
def can_attach(child_attachment_links, parent_attachment_links):
for child_link_name in child_attachment_links:
child_category = child_link_name.split("_")[1]
if child_category.endswith("F"):
assert child_category.endswith("M")
parent_category = child_category[:-1] + "F"
for parent_link_name in parent_attachment_links:
if parent_category in parent_link_name:
return True
return False
# Filter out models that don't support the attached states
new_model_choices = set()
for model_choice in model_choices:
child_attachment_links = get_attachment_metalinks(category, model_choice)
# The child model choice needs to be able to attach to all parent instances.
# For in-room parent instances, there might be multiple parent objects (e.g. different wall nails),
# and the child object needs to be able to attach to at least one of them.
if all(
child_attachment_links, get_attachment_metalinks(parent_obj.category, parent_obj.model)
for parent_obj in parent_objs_per_inst
for parent_objs_per_inst in parent_objects
return new_model_choices
# If obj_inst is a prent object that other objects depend on, we filter in only models that have at least some
# attachment links.
elif any(obj_inst in parents for parents in self._attached_objects.values()):
# Filter out models that don't support the attached states
new_model_choices = set()
for model_choice in model_choices:
if len(get_attachment_metalinks(category, model_choice)) > 0:
return new_model_choices
# If neither of the above cases apply, we don't need to filter the model choices
return model_choices
def _import_sampleable_objects(self):
Import all objects that can be sampled
env (Environment): Current active environment instance
assert og.sim.is_stopped(), "Simulator should be stopped when importing sampleable objects"
# Move the robot object frame to a far away location, similar to other newly imported objects below
position=th.tensor([300, 300, 300], dtype=th.float32), orientation=th.tensor([0, 0, 0, 1], dtype=th.float32)
self._sampled_objects = set()
num_new_obj = 0
# Only populate self.object_scope for sampleable objects
available_categories = set(get_all_object_categories())
# Attached states introduce dependencies among objects during import time.
# For example, when importing a child object instance, we need to make sure the imported model can be attached
# to the parent object instance. We sort the object instances such that parent object instances are imported
# before child object instances.
dependencies = {key: self._attached_objects.get(key, {}) for key in self._object_instance_to_synset.keys()}
for obj_inst in list(reversed(list(nx.algorithms.topological_sort(nx.DiGraph(dependencies))))):
obj_synset = self._object_instance_to_synset[obj_inst]
# Don't populate agent
if obj_synset == "agent.n.01":
# Populate based on whether it's a substance or not
if is_substance_synset(obj_synset):
assert len(self._activity_conditions.parsed_objects[obj_synset]) == 1, "Systems are singletons"
obj_inst = self._activity_conditions.parsed_objects[obj_synset][0]
system_name = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_subtree_substances(obj_synset)[0]
self._object_scope[obj_inst] = BDDLEntity(
None if obj_inst in self._future_obj_instances else self._env.scene.get_system(system_name)
valid_categories = set(OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_subtree_categories(obj_synset))
categories = list(valid_categories.intersection(available_categories))
if len(categories) == 0:
return (
f"None of the following categories could be found in the dataset for synset {obj_synset}: "
# Don't explicitly sample if future
if obj_inst in self._future_obj_instances:
self._object_scope[obj_inst] = BDDLEntity(bddl_inst=obj_inst)
# Don't sample if already in room
if obj_inst in self._inroom_object_instances:
# Shuffle categories and sample to find a valid model
model_choices = set()
for category in categories:
# Get all available models that support all of its synset abilities
model_choices = set(
model_choices = (
if category not in GOOD_MODELS
else model_choices.intersection(GOOD_MODELS[category])
model_choices -= BAD_CLOTH_MODELS.get(category, set())
model_choices = self._filter_model_choices_by_attached_states(model_choices, category, obj_inst)
if len(model_choices) > 0:
if len(model_choices) == 0:
# We failed to find ANY valid model across ALL valid categories
return f"Missing valid object models for all categories: {categories}"
# Randomly select an object model
model = random.choice(list(model_choices))
# Potentially add additional kwargs
obj_kwargs = dict()
obj_kwargs["bounding_box"] = GOOD_BBOXES.get(category, dict()).get(model, None)
# create the object
simulator_obj = DatasetObject(
PrimType.CLOTH if "cloth" in OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_abilities(obj_synset) else PrimType.RIGID
num_new_obj += 1
# Load the object into the simulator
# Set these objects to be far-away locations
position=th.tensor([100.0, 100.0, -100.0]) + th.ones(3) * num_new_obj * 5.0
self._object_scope[obj_inst] = BDDLEntity(bddl_inst=obj_inst, entity=simulator_obj)
def _sample_initial_conditions(self):
Sample initial conditions
None or str: If successful, returns None. Otherwise, returns an error message
error_msg, self._inroom_object_scope_filtered_initial = self._sample_conditions(
self._inroom_object_scope, self._inroom_object_conditions, "initial"
return error_msg
def _sample_goal_conditions(self):
Sample goal conditions
None or str: If successful, returns None. Otherwise, returns an error message
activity_goal_conditions = get_goal_conditions(self._activity_conditions, self._backend, self._object_scope)
ground_goal_state_options = get_ground_goal_state_options(
self._activity_conditions, self._backend, self._object_scope, activity_goal_conditions
num_options = ground_goal_state_options.size(0)
ground_goal_state_options = ground_goal_state_options[random.sample(range(num_options), num_options)]
log.debug(("number of ground_goal_state_options", len(ground_goal_state_options)))
num_goal_condition_set_to_test = 10
goal_condition_success = False
# Try to fulfill different set of ground goal conditions (maximum num_goal_condition_set_to_test)
for goal_condition_set in ground_goal_state_options[:num_goal_condition_set_to_test]:
goal_condition_processed = []
for condition in goal_condition_set:
condition, positive = process_single_condition(condition)
if condition is None:
goal_condition_processed.append((condition, positive))
error_msg, _ = self._sample_conditions(
self._inroom_object_scope_filtered_initial, goal_condition_processed, "goal"
if not error_msg:
# if one set of goal conditions (and initial conditions) are satisfied, sampling is successful
goal_condition_success = True
if not goal_condition_success:
return error_msg
def _sample_initial_conditions_final(self):
Sample final initial conditions
None or str: If successful, returns None. Otherwise, returns an error message
# Sample kinematics first, then particle states, then unary states
state = og.sim.dump_state(serialized=False)
for group in ("kinematic", "particle", "unary"):"Sampling {group} states...")
if len(self._object_sampling_orders[group]) > 0:
for cur_batch in self._object_sampling_orders[group]:
conditions_to_sample = []
for condition, positive in self._object_sampling_conditions[group]:
# Sample conditions that involve the current batch of objects
child_scope_name = condition.body[0]
if child_scope_name in cur_batch:
entity = self._object_scope[child_scope_name]
conditions_to_sample.append((condition, positive, entity, child_scope_name))
# If we're sampling kinematics, sort children based on (a) whether they are cloth or not, and then
# (b) their AABB, so that first all rigid objects are sampled before cloth objects, and within each
# group the larger objects are sampled first
if group == "kinematic":
rigid_conditions = [c for c in conditions_to_sample if c[2].prim_type != PrimType.CLOTH]
cloth_conditions = [c for c in conditions_to_sample if c[2].prim_type == PrimType.CLOTH]
conditions_to_sample = list(
reversed(sorted(rigid_conditions, key=lambda x:[2].aabb_extent)))
) + list(reversed(sorted(cloth_conditions, key=lambda x:[2].aabb_extent))))
# Sample!
for condition, positive, entity, child_scope_name in conditions_to_sample:
success = False
kwargs = dict()
# Reset if we're sampling a kinematic state
if condition.STATE_NAME in {"inside", "ontop", "under"}:
kwargs["reset_before_sampling"] = True
elif condition.STATE_NAME in {"attached"}:
kwargs["bypass_alignment_checking"] = True
kwargs["check_physics_stability"] = True
kwargs["can_joint_break"] = False
while True:
num_trials = 1
for _ in range(num_trials):
success = condition.sample(binary_state=positive, **kwargs)
if success:
# Update state
state = og.sim.dump_state(serialized=False)
if success:
# After the final round of kinematic sampling, we assign in_rooms to newly imported objects
if group == "kinematic":
parent = self._object_scope[condition.body[1]]
entity.in_rooms = deepcopy(parent.in_rooms)
# Can terminate immediately
# Can't re-sample non-kinematics or rescale cloth or agent, so in
# those cases terminate immediately
if (
group != "kinematic"
or condition.STATE_NAME == "attached"
or "agent" in child_scope_name
or entity.prim_type == PrimType.CLOTH
# If any scales are equal or less than the lower threshold, terminate immediately
new_scale = entity.scale - m.DYNAMIC_SCALE_INCREMENT
if th.any(new_scale < m.MIN_DYNAMIC_SCALE):
# Re-scale and re-attempt
# Re-scaling is not respected unless sim cycle occurs
entity.scale = new_scale
f"Kinematic sampling {condition.STATE_NAME} {condition.body} failed, rescaling obj: {child_scope_name} to {entity.scale}"
og.sim.load_state(state, serialized=False)
if not success:
# Update object registry because we just assigned in_rooms to newly imported objects
return f"Sampleable object conditions failed: {condition.STATE_NAME} {condition.body}"
# Update object registry because we just assigned in_rooms to newly imported objects
# One more sim step to make sure the object states are propagated correctly
# E.g. after sampling Filled.set_value(True), Filled.get_value() will become True only after one step
def _sample_conditions(self, input_object_scope, conditions, condition_type):
Sample conditions
input_object_scope (dict):
conditions (list): List of conditions to filter scope with, where each list entry is
a tuple of (condition, positive), where @positive is True if the condition has a positive
condition_type (str): What type of condition to sample, e.g., "initial"
None or str: If successful, returns None. Otherwise, returns an error message
error_msg, problematic_objs = "", []
while not any(
th.any(self._object_scope[obj_inst].scale < m.MIN_DYNAMIC_SCALE).item() for obj_inst in problematic_objs
filtered_object_scope, problematic_objs = self._filter_object_scope(
input_object_scope, conditions, condition_type
error_msg = self._consolidate_room_instance(filtered_object_scope, condition_type)
if error_msg is None:
# Re-scaling is not respected unless sim cycle occurs
for obj_inst in problematic_objs:
obj = self._object_scope[obj_inst]
# If the object's initial condition is attachment, or it's agent or cloth, we can't / shouldn't scale
# down, so play again and then terminate immediately
if obj_inst in self._attached_objects or "agent" in obj_inst or obj.prim_type == PrimType.CLOTH:
return error_msg, None
assert th.all(obj.scale > m.DYNAMIC_SCALE_INCREMENT)
if error_msg:
return error_msg, None
return self._maximum_bipartite_matching(filtered_object_scope, condition_type), filtered_object_scope
def _maximum_bipartite_matching(self, filtered_object_scope, condition_type):
Matches objects from @filtered_object_scope to specific room instances it can be
sampled from
filtered_object_scope (dict): Filtered object scope
condition_type (str): What type of condition to sample, e.g., "initial"
None or str: If successful, returns None. Otherwise, returns an error message
# For each room instance, perform maximum bipartite matching between object instance in scope to simulator objects
# Left nodes: a list of object instance in scope
# Right nodes: a list of simulator objects
# Edges: if the simulator object can support the sampling requirement of ths object instance
for room_type in filtered_object_scope:
# The same room instances will be shared across all scene obj in a given room type
some_obj = list(filtered_object_scope[room_type].keys())[0]
room_insts = list(filtered_object_scope[room_type][some_obj].keys())
success = False
# Loop through each room instance
for room_inst in room_insts:
graph = nx.Graph()
# For this given room instance, gether mapping from obj instance to a list of simulator obj
obj_inst_to_obj_per_room_inst = {}
for obj_inst in filtered_object_scope[room_type]:
obj_inst_to_obj_per_room_inst[obj_inst] = filtered_object_scope[room_type][obj_inst][room_inst]
top_nodes = []
log_msg = "MBM for room instance [{}]".format(room_inst)
for obj_inst in obj_inst_to_obj_per_room_inst:
for obj in obj_inst_to_obj_per_room_inst[obj_inst]:
# Create an edge between obj instance and each of the simulator obj that supports sampling
graph.add_edge(obj_inst, obj)
log_msg = "Adding edge: {} <-> {}".format(obj_inst,
# Need to provide top_nodes that contain all nodes in one bipartite node set
# The matches will have two items for each match (e.g. A -> B, B -> A)
matches = nx.bipartite.maximum_matching(graph, top_nodes=top_nodes)
if len(matches) == 2 * len(obj_inst_to_obj_per_room_inst):
log.debug(("Object scope finalized:"))
for obj_inst, obj in matches.items():
if obj_inst in obj_inst_to_obj_per_room_inst:
self._object_scope[obj_inst] = BDDLEntity(bddl_inst=obj_inst, entity=obj)
success = True
if not success:
return "{}: Room type [{}] of scene [{}] do not have enough simulator objects that can successfully sample all the objects needed. This is usually caused by specifying too many object instances in the object scope or the conditions are so stringent that too few simulator objects can satisfy them via sampling.\n".format(
condition_type, room_type, self._scene_model