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🍴 BEHAVIOR Knowledgebase


BEHAVIOR is short for Benchmark for Everyday Household Activities in Virtual, Interactive, and ecOlogical enviRonments.

BEHAVIOR Knowledgebase contains information about what synsets are valid, their relationship between each other, their abilities (or properties), the hyperparameters of the abilities, and the hand-specified transition rules.

Here are the important conceptual components of the BEHAVIOR Knowledgebase:


A family of 1000 long-horizon household activities.

  • As illustrated in the BEHAVIOR Tasks tutorial, each task definition contains a list of task-relevant objects, and their initial and goal conditions.
  • The knowledgebase page also shows
    • Which scenes this task is compatible with.
    • (Experimental) The transition paths that help achieve the goal conditions.


The basic building block of the knowledgebase.

  • We follow the WordNet hierarchy while expanding it with additional ("custom") synsets to suit the need of BEHAVIOR.
  • Each synset has at least one parent synset, and can have many children synsets (no children means it's a leaf synset).
  • Each synset can have many abilities (or properties).
    • Some properties define the physical attributes of the object and how OmniGibson simulates them, e.g. liquid, cloth, visualSubstance, etc.
    • Some properties define the semantic attributes (or affordances) of the object, e.g. fillable, openable, cookable, etc.
    • Each property might contain additional hyperparameters that define the exact behavior of the property, e.g. heatSource has hyperparameters requires_toggled_on (bool), requires_closed (bool), requires_inside (bool), temperature (float), and heating_rate (float).
  • The knowledgebase page also shows
    • The predicates that are used for the synset in the task definitions.
    • The tasks that involve the synset.
    • The object categories and models that belong to the synset.
    • The transition rules that involve the synset.
    • The synset's position in the WordNet hierarchy (e.g. ancestors, descendants, etc).


The bridge between the WordNet(-like) synsets and OmniGibson's object and substance categories.

  • Each category is mapped to exactly one leaf synset, e.g. apple is mapped to apple.n.01.
  • Multiple categories can be mapped to the same synset, e.g. drop_in_sink and pedestal_sink both map to sink.n.01, and share the exact same properties (because properties are annotated at the synset level, not the category level).
  • All objects belonging to the same category should share similar mass and size, i.e. should be interchangeable if object randomization is performed.
  • The knowledgebase page also shows
    • The objects that belong to the category, as well as their images.
    • The corresponding synset's position in the WordNet hierarchy (e.g. ancestors, descendants, etc).


One-to-one mapping to a specific 3D object model in our dataset.

  • Each object belongs to exactly one category, e.g. coffee_maker-fwlabx belongs to coffee_maker, correspounding to the object model residing at <gm.DATASET_PATH>/objects/coffee_maker/fwlabx.
  • Each object can have multiple meta links that serve the relevant object states in OmniGibson. For example, for the coffee_maker-fwlabx object, it is annotated with connectedpart for the AttachedTo state, heatsource for the HeatSourceOrSink state, and toggleButton for the ToggledOn state.
  • The knowledgebase page also shows
    • The object's image.
    • The scenes / rooms the object appears in.
    • The corresponding synset's position in the WordNet hierarchy (e.g. ancestors, descendants, etc).


One-to-one mapping to a specific 3D scene model in our dataset.

  • Each scene consists of multiple rooms with the following naming convention: <room_type>_<room_id>, e.g. living_room_0, kitchen_1, etc.
  • Each room contains a list of objects, e.g. in the Beechwood_0_int scene, countertop-tpuwys: 6 means the kitchen_0 room has 6 copies of the countertop-tpuwys object.

Transition Rules

Hand-specified rules that define complex physical or chemical interactions between objects and substances that are not natively supported by Omniverse.

  • Each transition rule specifies a list of input synsets and a list of output synsets, as well as the conditions that need to be satisfied for the transition to occur.
  • For instance, in the beef_stew rule, the input synsets are ground_beef.n.01, beef_broth.n.01, pea.n.01, diced__carrot.n.01 and diced__vidalia_onion.n.01 and the output synset is beef_stew.n.01.
  • The conditions are not yet visualized on the website, but you can manually inspect them in the JSON files.

We have 6 different types of transition rules:

  • WasherRule: remove "dirty" substance from the washer if the necessary solvent is present, and wet the objects inside by making them either Saturated with or Covered by water.
  • DryerRule: dry the objects inside by making them not Saturated with water, and remove all water from the dryer.
  • SlicingRule: when an object with the slicer ability exerts a sufficient force on another object with the sliceable ability, it slices the latter object into two halves.
  • DicingRule: when an object with the slicer ability exerts a sufficient force on another object with the diceable ability, it dices the latter object into the corresounding diced substance.
  • MeltingRule: when an object with the meltable ability reaches a certain temperature, it melts into the corresounding melted substance.
  • RecipeRule: a general framework of recipe-based transitions that involve multiple objects and substances, and custom defined conditions.
    • input_objects: input objects and their counts that are required
    • input_systems: input systems that are required
    • output_objects: output objects and their counts that are produced
    • output_systems: output systems that are produced (the quantity depends on the collective volume of the input objects and systems)
    • input_states: the states that the input objects and systems should satisfy, e.g. an ingredient should not be cooked already.
    • output_states: the states that the output objects and systems should satisfy, e.g. the dish should be cooked after the recipe is done.
    • fillable_categories: fillable object categories needed for the recipe, e.g. pots and pans for cooking, and coffee makers for brewing coffee.

We have 5 different types of RecipeRules:

  • CookingPhysicalParticleRule: "cook" physical particles. It might or might not require water, depending on the synset's property waterCook.
    • Requires water: rice + cooked__water -> cooked__rice.
    • Doesn't require water: diced__chicken -> cooked__diced__chicken.
  • ToggleableMachineRule: leverages a toggleable ability machine (e.g. electric mixer, coffee machine, blender) that needs to be ToggledOn.
    • Output is a single object: flour + butter + sugar -> dough; the machine is electric_mixer.
    • Output is a single system: strawberry + milk -> strawberry_smoothie; the machine is blender.
  • MixingToolRule: leverages a mixingTool ability object that gets into contact with a fillable ability object.
    • Output is a single system: water + lemon_juice + sugar -> lemonade; the mixing tool is spoon.
  • CookingRule: leverages a heatsource ability object and a fillable ability object for general cooking.
    • CookingObjectRule: Output is one or more objects: bagel_dough + egg + sesame_seed -> bagel; the heat source is oven; the container is baking_sheet.
    • CookingSystemRule: Output is a single system: beef + tomato + chicken_stock -> stew; the heat source is stove; the container is stockpot.


OmniGibson interfaces with the BEHAVIOR Knowledgebase via a single interface: the ObjectTaxonomy class.

Here is an example of how to use the ObjectTaxonomy class to query the BEHAVIOR Knowledgebase.

from omnigibson.utils.bddl_utils import OBJECT_TAXONOMY

# Get parents / children / ancestors / descendants / leaf descendants of a synset
parents = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_parents("fruit.n.01")
children = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_children("fruit.n.01")
ancestors = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_ancestors("fruit.n.01")
descendants = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_descendants("fruit.n.01")
leaf_descendants = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_leaf_descendants("fruit.n.01")

# Checker functions for synsets
is_leaf = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.is_leaf("fruit.n.01")
is_ancestor = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.is_ancestor("fruit.n.01", "apple.n.01")
is_descendant = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.is_descendant("apple.n.01", "fruit.n.01")
is_valid = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.is_valid_synset("fruit.n.01")

# Get the abilities of a synset, e.g. "coffee_maker.n.01" -> {'rigidBody': {...}, 'heatSource': {...}, 'toggleable': {...}, ...}
abilities = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_abilities("coffee_maker.n.01")

# Check if a synset has a specific ability, e.g. "coffee_maker.n.01" has "heatSource"
has_ability = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.has_ability("coffee_maker.n.01", "heatSource")

# Get the synset of a object category, e.g. "apple" -> "apple.n.01"
object_synset = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_synset_from_category("apple")

# Get the object categories of a synset, e.g. "apple.n.01" -> ["apple"]
object_categories = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_categories("apple.n.01")

# Get the object categories of all the leaf descendants of a synset, e.g. "fruit.n.01" -> ["apple", "banana", "orange", ...]
leaf_descendant_categories = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_subtree_categories("fruit.n.01")

# Get the synset of a substance category , e.g. "water" -> "water.n.06"
substance_synset = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_synset_from_substance("water")

# Get the substance categories of a synset, e.g. "water.n.06" -> ["water"]
substance_categories = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_substances("water.n.06")

# Get the substance categories of all the leaf descendants of a synset, e.g. "liquid.n.01" -> ["water", "milk", "juice", ...]
leaf_descendant_substances = OBJECT_TAXONOMY.get_subtree_substances("liquid.n.01")

(Advanced) Customize BEHAVIOR Knowledgebase

To customize BEHAVIOR Knowedgebase, you can modify the source CSV files in the bddl repository, and then rebuild the knowledgebase.

Modify Source CSV Files

You can use Excel, Google Sheets or any other spreadsheet software to modify the source CSV files below.


  • Information: map an object category to a synset.
  • When modify: add a new object category.
  • Caveat: you also need to add the canonical density of the object category to <gm.DATASET_PATH>/metadata/avg_category_specs.json.


  • Information: map a substance category to a synset, and also specify the substance's type (e.g. fluid, macro_physical_particle), physical attributes (e.g. is_viscous, particle_density) and visual appearance (e.g. material_mtl_name, diffuse_reflection_color).
  • When modify: add a new substance category.
  • Caveat: you also need to add the metadata (in a JSON file) and (optionally) particle prototypes to the <gm.DATASET_PATH>/systems/<substance_category>.
    • fluid: only metadata is needed, e.g. <gm.DATASET_PATH>/systems/water/metadata.json.
    • granular: both metadata and particle prototypes are needed, e.g. <gm.DATASET_PATH>/systems/salt/metadata.json and <gm.DATASET_PATH>/systems/sugar/iheusv.
    • macro_physical_particle: both hyperparams and particle prototypes are needed, e.g. <gm.DATASET_PATH>/systems/cashew/metadata.json and <gm.DATASET_PATH>/systems/cashew/qyglnm.
    • macro_visual_particle: both hyperparams and particle prototypes are needed, e.g. <gm.DATASET_PATH>/systems/stain/metadata.json and <gm.DATASET_PATH>/systems/stain/ahkjul.


  • Information: specify the parent and abilities of a synset.
  • When modify: add a new synset.
  • Caveat: feel free to create custom synsets if you can't find existing ones from WordNet; you also need to update the property parameter annotations in the prop_param_annots folder accordingly (see below).


  • Information: specify the hyperparameters of the abilities (or properties) of a synset.
  • When modify: add a new synset that has the ability, or modify the hyperparameters of the ability.
  • Caveat: if a new object or substance synset is involved, you also need to modify synsets.csv, category_mapping and substance_hyperparams.csv accordingly (see above).


  • Information: specify the hyperparameters of the heatSource ability, e.g. whether the object needs to be toggled on or have its doors closed, whether it requires other objects to be inside it, and the heating temperature and rate.
  • When modify: add a new synset that has the heatSource ability.


  • Information: specify the hyperparameters of the coldSource ability, e.g. whether the object needs to be toggled on or have its doors closed, whether it requires other objects to be inside it, and the heating temperature and rate.
  • When modify: add a new synset that has the coldSource ability.


  • Information: specify the hyperparameters of the cookable ability, e.g. the temperature threshold, and the cooked version of the substance synset (if applicable).
  • When modify: add a new synset that has the cookable ability.


  • Information: specify the hyperparameters of the flammable ability, e.g. the ignition and fire temperature, the heating rate and distance threshold.
  • When modify: add a new synset that has the flammable ability.


  • Information: specify the hyperparameters of the particleApplier ability, e.g. modification method, conditions, and substance synset to be applied.
  • When modify: add a new synset that has the particleApplier ability.


  • Information: specify the hyperparameters of the particleSource ability, e.g. conditions, and substance synset to be applied.
  • When modify: add a new synset that has the particleSource ability.


  • Information: specify the hyperparameters of the particleRemover ability, e.g. conditions to remove white-listed substance synsets, and conditions to remove everything else.
  • When modify: add a new synset that has the particleRemover ability.


  • Information: specify the hyperparameters of the particleSink ability (deprecated).
  • When modify: add a new synset that has the particleSink ability.


  • Information: specify the hyperparameters of the diceable ability, e.g. the uncooked and cooked diced substance synsets.
  • When modify: add a new synset that has the diceable ability.


  • Information: specify the hyperparameters of the sliceable ability, e.g. the sliced halves' synset.
  • When modify: add a new synset that has the sliceable ability.


  • Information: specify the hyperparameters of the meltable ability, e.g. the melted substance synset.
  • When modify: add a new synset that has the meltable ability.


  • Information: specify the transition rules for different types of transitions.
  • Caveat: if a new object or substance synset is involved, you also need to modify synsets.csv, category_mapping and substance_hyperparams.csv accordingly (see above).


  • Information: specify the transition rules for CookingObjectRule and CookingSystemRule, i.e. the input synsets / states, the output synsets / states, the heat source, the container, and the timesteps to cook.
  • When modify: add a new transition rule for cooking objects or systems.


  • Information: specify the transition rules for MixingToolRule, i.e. the input synsets, and the output synsets.
  • When modify: add a new transition rule for mixing systems.


  • Information: specify the transition rules for ToggleableMachineRule, i.e. the input synsets / states, the output synsets / states, and the machine.
  • When modify: add a new transition rule for toggleable machines.


  • Information: specify the transition rules for WasherRule, similar to prop_param_annots/particleRemover.csv , i.e. solvents required to remove white-listed substance synsets, and conditions to remove everything else.
  • When modify: add a new transition rule for washing machines.

Rebuild Knowledgebase

To rebuild the knowledgebase, you need to run the following command:

cd bddl
python data_generation/

To make sure the new knowledgebase is consistent with the task definitions, you should also run the following command:

python tests/ batch_verify
python tests/

If you encounter any errors during the rebuilding process, please read the error messages carefully and try to fix the issues accordingly.